childs play 3 Tyler x fem reader

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You will be the same age in here this is the childs play 3 x reader your Andy's little sister and you have just join his school the same time he has so 8 years old

Y/n P O V:

I was walking into school with my big brother andy I wanted to be brave like him because he has told me storys about how this killer doll came to life I think his name was... chucky?

I think apparently chucky came after andy I was not born when this happened because I'm only 8 years old but u want to be brave like my brother was when he was younger as well he had to run around because he was being chased by the killer doll chucky.

But he has not told me anymore because he dose not want me having nightmares about him but I wanted to know more but that's in the past me and big brother was walking  to this from where we were told we needed to get out hair cut well more like big bro andy. He look different.

Then we had to get going to our dorm room wich we had together.

Because they put us together because andy has separation anxiety wich is Children with separation anxiety disorder experience extreme distress when they are separated from parents or caregivers. Difficulty separating is normal in early childhood development; it becomes a disorder if the fear and anxiety interfere with age-appropriate behavior.(copy and passed you dont need to read but if you want to know what it is here ya go)

so yes me and andy were unpacking our clothes well mabye I wasn't and andy was doing all the hard work. Whoops! But I'm not like other 8 year old doctors had said that um a special 8 year old and I'm not like the others so I'm proud of my self

Andy's p o v:

I was unpacking mine and my little sister y/n shes adorable when people saw her they would stare in awe and call he cute and adorable and all so that why I will protect her with all my heart and if... he! Ever comes back I will not let him go anywhere near her

She too inocent. When I was done I told y/n she could go and explore the place be to be careful incase he ever comes back I know it's been years since he has came back but you never know he always comes back he has before.

(Skip to when they have finished unpacking)

Y/n p o v:

I walked out of the room and started to explore the place as I was walking around I saw this boy that look around the same age as me he was carrying a box so I went up to him to see if he needs help

'Hello um i was wondering if you needed help with that box?'

'Oh uhm hello I'm Tyler and I'm fine this is uhh my box i just got it and your really pretty wanna be friends?'

'Oh thank you Tyler and yes i would like to be friends I'm y/n Barclay'

'Barclay? Like in andy barclay?'

'Oh yes he is my big brother my mom is in a special hospital and she had me but gave me to andy so he can look after me and we have been to all sorts of home together!'

'Woah cool!! Wanna go play with me'

'Yes please!!'

'Let's go!!'

Tyler grabs my hand and takes me to this abandoned looking place but it still had alot of stuff so I think people still use it

He tells me to sit down and I do as he says and then he starts to rip open the packing thingy know the box and he moves back next me while I'm still on the floor we both stare at the doll in awe

'A good guy' Tyler says with excitement

(wait a good guy weren't chucky one of those) y/n thought

And then the doll starts to move on it's own and shouts 'who the fuck are you!!' I dont say anything because I'm half scared of what it will do but also half existed to what it is

'Hey aren't you supposed to say 2 or 3 sentences?' Tyler says breaking the silence

'I'm new and improved' the doll speak s but I dont trust it it seems suspicious

Tyler gets up from the fall when the doll magically came to life all while saying 'I have seen a doll like you before'

While those two are speaking i get up quickly but quickly i didn't make a sound

The doll then says 'alright kid the funs over where the hell's andy'

'Andy?' Tyler says well more like a  question.wait andy? What does the doll want andy for

'Cant you read he was supposed to get this package!tamparing with the mail is a ferial offense!' This weird now doll says angrily

'Sorry' replied a sad Tyler

Me now mad at this doll first he just swears at us and now accused my new friend and now makes him sad! This doll is making my blood boil

'Hey! It isn't his fault leave him alone you weird looking rat of a doll!'

The doll and Tyler look at me I stand there glareing at this doll.

'Who the fuck are you calling rat of a doll misses bitch face!!'

'Dont you dare talk to me like that you dirty please of garbage!'

'Grr your a fasty one aren't ya' he say now smirking 'I like it!' He finishes

'Is he your best friend' Tyler says

'Hes more than that he my new least on light

Chucky p o v

( wait a minute I got a new body and I haven't told anybody my new secret but I now a girl that I'm loving. Not I'm a creepy or perv way I would love her as my kid shes adorable as well and again not in a creepy or perv way so my plan will be to transfer my soul into the boy and have this girl as my kid she will be my kid either way)

'So uhh what's your name kid' I say looking at the boy ignoring the glares from the girl

'Tyler!! What yours?' He answer

'Chucky!but uh my real name is Charles.lee.ray' I answer him

Y/n p o v

Wait chucky?!? I know from what andy told him he seemed familiar but I need to use my brain and not get me and Tyler killed

'So what's your name little miss fisty?' Chucky asks me

'Firt dont call me'lItTlE mIsS fIdTy' and my name is y/n little annoying doll'

He smirks hearing my response then he asked if he wants to play a game Tyler says sure I dont he then get Tyler to play down and this takes around 4 or 5 minutes

' cant we play hide and seek' Tyler asked chucky

'Hold still' Tyler got in response

'What do you even call this game anyways' I say while sitting on a box behind chucky for this is so if he try's anything dirty or suspicious I can grab him.

'Hide the soul y/n' I got in response but I only roll my eyes at him and continue to glare at him from behind

'Trust me your gonna love it Tyler'

'I dont trust you one little bit mister shorty'I say quietly but luckily nobody heard me thank god

'What ever you say chales' he had gotten and respond from Tyler

I'm gonna do a part 2 for this because I have a great idea for it and while I'm doing this I'm gonna do a andy x fem reader childs play 3 and a andy x reader childs play 2

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