!jealousy!2019 chucky x reader

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This is just one that I thought off but please if you want to requests anything plz do but please make it like 2019 andy x reader or something please

You are going to be the same age as andy in this one so I thing around 13 or 14 I'm not sure but around his age if that okay

Y/n p.o.v

Today was the last day of school and me and my best friend andy was sat next to each other since my parents argue and drink. I dont really go home I hang out with andy alot because of this so after class has ended for the summer break. Me and andy rush out of school and to his house which is not that far from the school so it was no problem.

When we arrived at his house he opens the door and the chucky was sat on the floor asleep I found this really cute. 'awe hes so adorable' I whispered to andy so I would not wake up the sleeping chucky. Andy just rolled his eyes playfully and laughs a little. I picked up the sleeping figure of a little ginger doll that act like a human.

I walk into Andy's room with chucky who is still sleeping I walk over to his bed which he was on and was reading something so I look over his shoulder and start to read with him I got into a comfortable position with chucky laying on my chest then I felt my eyes become heavier  and heavier then they finally close and into the deep sleep I come

Chucky p.o.v

I was watching the door waiting for it to open and in come andy and y/n. I love y/n hanging around it was always so fun when they was here but then i become very sleepy and then the last thing I remember is me falling in my sleeping coma.

I wake up to see I'm laying on y/n and it was so soft the way there hair would fall onto me it was like silk and it would always shine when the sun glaze onto it. There eyes are so magical and the way the would glaze at people was so soft and lovely.

But then everything around me just got so gloomy and sad when I see them is sleeping on andy and he is laying his head onto there head. I have always had this feelings for y/n but not quite sure what they were they would always make me want to just go to them and give her a big hug and kiss those soft lips off theres I always wondered if they were soft

I think I did something because y/n started to move and get up  just looked at them they then stares back at me and then finally spoke ' oh chucky you are awake by the way you were adorable when you was a sleep'

When they says that I blush a little bit the colors of red goes over my doll face. 'I could say the same to you y/n you look peaceful in your sleep😁☺😊' was my reply to there comment.

At the corner of my eye see andy waking up and look at him so dose y/n then she said ' hello sleeping beauty how was your sleep'  ' it was amazing actually thanks for asking ' he look at me after he said that and the went ' oh hello chucky when did you both wake up?'  'Oh not long after you we only woke up about 5 or 6 minutes ago' andy just nodded

Y/n for up and said ' I'm if to go make breakfast if y'all want something come and help me make it's and with that they left. Me and andy just stares at each other

'Should I tell andy about all the feelings that I have been having about y/n' I thought ' yeah I'm going to do it since you know hes human as well'

'Hey Andy'

'Mm? Oh hey chucky what's up?'

'Oh I just wanted to talk to you about y/n. Lately I have been getting these feelings no offence to you but when you get close to y/n it make me mad and I dont like it's


' yeah'

' to me it sound like you jealous of me hanging around y/n and you live them  and I promise I dont like y/n in that way there like a sister to me so there  all yours. Go speak to them '

I started to walk to the kitchen hoping to find y/n there and to my Hope's there she was just cooking away and doing her thing

Y/n p.o.v

I was cooking food for the three of us Andy's mum has a shift late a night so she wont be home until lunch today. Then I hear little footsteps from behind me to my guess it was chucky so I turn to have a look and I was correct it was chucky

But he had this look in his eyes then he began to speak

'Y/n I need to get this off my chest I think I-I '

'Take tour time i dont mind'

' y/n i like tou it may seem wird you know because I'm a doll and your a uhh yeah a human'


I closed my eyes ready for rejection but if I was to do this I would be here forever because then they spoke up

'Chucky I like tou too I dont care if your a doll I think you adorable and so cute' I run up to her and hug her leg because I'm small and tiny they then pick me up and kissed me on my forehead. I got butterflies in my stomach and they then hug me it felt so warm and it was so loveing and I then broke the silence by saying

'I love you y/n'

'I love you too chucky'

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Have a adorable and beautiful day

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