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Action Figure Battle Royale supplemental notes:

Each unit has multiple weapons they bring with them.

All twenty four soldiers each have a toy combat knife, a pistol, a shotgun, a sniper rifle, and a grappling gun with a rope attached to a harness they are all wearing.

All eight guards each have a one handed sword that is more damaging than the combat knife, a pistol with a silencer and a scope, a better shotgun that deals more damage and with shots that travel farther, a better sniper rifle that pierces enemies better, and the same grappling gun and harness as the soldiers.

All eight medics each have a survival knife for defense, a pistol with a silencer, the same grappling gun and harness as the other two units, and ways to reattach lost body parts of their soldiers, such as super glue.

All of this is the proper size for all of them, but the super glue is normal sized.

Due to the way the universe the story takes place in works, when wielded by a toy, the weapons can harm or even kill other toys, but not humans or any other sentient species, and the guns can fire despite not having ammo.

Virtually all of the toys are mass produced to be sold in stores.

Once a toy becomes alive in this universe, it already knows what toy line it's a part of, who manufactured it, what the story behind their character in the toy line is supposed to be, if any, but it know knows it's a toy, it can become animate or inanimate at will, and they have the instinct to not let humans know they're alive. They will not move when a human is looking at them, and if a human is coming, instinct tells them to become inanimate, and they always listen.

If other sentient species on other planets were to make toys in the universe it takes place in, they would also have souls and be alive, though they would only move when members of the species that made them were not around.

The song the White Team soldiers sung from 1999 is supposed to be Smash Mouth's very own All Star. Do I really need to say what movie made it famous or infamous, depending on your opinion of the memes?

I was originally going to make this story a machinima filmed in Garry's Mod, but I didn't have anyone to film it with. The map it would have taken place on is v92_toyhouse. Its layout is basically what the Williams house is like. It was evidently inspired by 3DO's Army Men series of games, as there were four teams: Green (the good guys in those games), Tan (the villains in those games), Blue (Spies, working for whoever isn't hostile to them, but they're usually against the Green soldiers), and Gray (morally gray). Due to the lights in the isolated spawn room, I thought Tan was yellow and Gray was white. Even with another Garry's Mod map that made players a similar size, where Green and Tan were fighting, I still thought I was right. Only doing more research revealed the true team names and their colors to me. That was after I had finished writing the final chapter months before it came out, so I decided to keep the team names for mine, and mine are all morally gray or black. Unfortunately for those like me wanting to play in v92_toyhouse, looking in the wrong spots after leaving the spawnroom with a teleporter to each team's base can crash the game. At least, it did for a while. Other people reported similar issues, and while the creator of the map acknowledged them, he didn't know how to fix it.

I decided to look up toy soldiers that fit the description of what the teams in the story looked like, but they were much smaller. I decided to keep what I have, so they're action figures. They can still fit in the vents just fine without bumping their heads on the ceiling.

The TV show hostile giants a Green Team soldier mentioned were weak in the back of their necks are supposed to be Titans from Attack on Titan. No, I don't watch it, and since it's antisemitic, I will NEVER watch it.

I was originally going to call this story Plastic Warfare, but a game developer said they were going to use that for the name of their game. Rather than argue or risk it, I decided to change the name of my thing. I still like the old name better.

The address of the Williams family is 618 Koradamelon Road in the fictional town of Unonnet. Unonnet is somewhere in the United States. I don't feel the need to say what state or region it's in.

The monologue that started with "Life is a game that the universe plays with itself" is a reference to a similar log in Subnautica.

In Chapter 2, the first battle listed is the first battle in chronological order. The other two in that chapter both take place after the first battle, but at the same time as each other.

In Chapter 3, the part that starts with "Two Green Team soldiers used their grappling guns-" takes place after the other battles in that chapter. Those battles described earlier all take place at the same time.

In Chapter 4, the attack on Blue Team's base, the two White Team soldiers vs. the Blue Team soldier vs. the Yellow Team soldier, and the White Team soldier and the Blue Team soldier both killing each other all take place at the same time.

If you're wondering how Gyhena's Lite BuzzBeer was not noticed by any toys that weren't dead, Gyhena used her magic to make him visible only to the souls of dead toys and herself. If not for that, everyone would be able to see him move on his own.

In Chapter 6, the two White Team soldiers attacking Blue Team's new base did so at the same time as the lone White Team soldier's failed and fatal attempt to destroy Yellow Team's base. No one participating in either battle knew of the other, at least at the time. Blue Team abandoned their base and tried to send everyone on them to an enemy base after both of those events.

Chapter 7 and 8 are both presented in chronological order.

Since I wanted to get each chapter to have at least 1,000 words each, I combined chapters together and added details. It's kind of like a requirement I imposed on myself, but several of my stories have chapters that don't reach 1,000 words.

The RC car is not the one from Toy Story.

In Chapter 2, the Yellow Team soldier that became the first death attempted an MLG 720 no scope (better than a 360 no scope), but spinning ruins accuracy, so I reflected that in the story.

Action Figure Battle RoyaleWhere stories live. Discover now