Chapter 42

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Averys pov

My head hurt like hell as I began to stir. I then felt that I was awake anoth to open my eyes. I looked at the unfamiliar room I was in. I looked out a window and saw, a beach? I was in a bed, the cover looked new. I looked around and realised that I was in a hotel room. Something felt weird and I looked at my hand, some sort of this was strapt there, it looked like velcro but I could not pull it off. I got out of the bed and opened the door, leading me into the main room. This hotel room was big, my eyes quickly fell on the person in the room, and there eyes fell on me I then shouted "What the hell is happening Bucky?". He sighed and then replied "Your dad told me you wanted to run away and kill thanos, so we agreed that, I was going to bring you away from new york, which leads to us being in california right now and soon we're catching a plane out of here" he informed me. "You do realise I can just teleport" I told him. He laughed a little "Not with that on, bit of stark tech there" he said pointing to the velcro thing. I sighed and plopped myself into a chair next to him "I could just run away at night, and kill thanos with my bare hands" I replied. "And before you could do that, getting yourself killed I would get to you and stop you being stupid" he told me. "I thought being stupid is being weak, thats what you told me whrn we met" I said. From the the way his face warped from amusement to horror I knew that hit a spot "Wait bucky i didn't mean to-" I began realising my mistake but he cut in "I wasn't myself then you know it, and it's not being weak it being smart" he said and then he got up and went to the bathroom.

Maybe bucky want right about one thing he said, maybe he wouldn't be able to get to me before I did something stupid. I bolted for the door and swung it open and ran.

Buckys pov

I sighed. I hated thinking back to my hydra days. Then I heard the door bang into the wall. I ran out the bathroom. It was open and no Avery. She had run and thst was not good. I began to run after her.

Averys pov

I soon heard a pair of feet coming after me. Damn it. I sprinted fast and went for the stairs three at a time until I tripped. I got up but he was only meters away, I started to run but it was no use, he had grabbed me in two secounds, then a cuff was placed on my wrist. He had hand cuffed us toghther, seirously. "You got me" I sighed bowing my head.

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