the incident

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"Time too get up y/n!" your mom says.You stumble out of bed and onto the floor. "Woopsy! clumsy me -o-"

Once you are done getting ready, you go down stairs for breakfast.Whilst going down stairs, you tripped on your cat and fell gracefully.Next thing you know you wait up in an uncomfortably white room will doctors by your side.

"W-what h-happened?" "You fell down the stairs and broke a rib as well as you neck." A doctor said. "O-oh..." You said already tearing up. "Awww don't cry, you only almost died" the doctor said jokingly. "What day is it?" "November the 8th, you've only been out for a week" The doctor said seriously. "Wait... Where is my parents?" you said. "Oh they're dead." The doctor said. "WHAT?! " you said not believing what you just heard. "Yup they be more dead than your cat" "MY CAT TOO? NO NO THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING...THEY CAN'T BE DEAD" you're whole world is crumbling in your hands and you can't do anything to stop it.You then start to panic. "Ma'am please calm down." The doctor said looking unsympathetic. "HOW CAN I CALM DOWN IF EVERYONE I'VE EVER LOVED DIED?!"
"And? Your lucky you didn't die too."
"Y'know what? I'm out of here :'(" she says before yanking her IV out and running out the room down the hall.

Before she could get half way to the exit, she felt a sharp pain continuing with her feeling dizzy. She then collapsed to the ground into a deep slumber. "H-huh? Where am I now?" In the distance she seen a shadow figure lurking around. "What is that?" She thought. As it came closer, it became easier to make out. She could now see that it was purple with a green stomach. She started to slap herself hoping she would wake up but to no avail. It got closer and closer and closer until it was only meters away from her. Her heart sped up faster than ever with tears in the corners of her eyes. "P-please don't hurt me.." She said in defense because she is weak and can not physically defend herself. She felt something touch her shoulder she made a blood curdling scream. "Shhh relax I'm not gonna hurt you." The creature said in a reassuring voice. "W-what do you want from me?!"
"You're heart."

Ok I hope you enjoyed my shitty attempt at writing and almost make sure to vote or I will steal your ankles 😈😈

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