uh oh....

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"My heart?" "Yes." The unknown creature said. "Wdym?" You said with a confused face. "Huh? uh... nvm." The unknown creature said, looking flustered. "Anyways, would you like to come back to my cabin for some tea? It's quite good." "Sure, anything to get out of this darkness." You said feeling a bit uneasy. Once you got to the cabin, you felt a bit more comfortable but you still had that feeling in your stomach that you should get out of there. Once you got inside, the first thing that caught your eye was a door with a combination on it.

"What's with the locked door?" You said.
"Um.. N-nothing hahahaha" it said laughing nervously.
"Ok..." You said feeling even more uneasy. "So where do I sleep?"
"Um.. I guess the couch unless you wanna sleep with me.." It said.
"Nah I'm good I'll just sleep on the couch." You said wanting to be as far from this thing as possible.

After having tea you decided to settle for the night.Since you where still wearing you're hospital gown and it was hot, you figured it would be quite hard to fall asleep. "Great. just what I need right now is a hot night." You thought. You then said good night to that thing and layed down.

While laid down, you thought about what to do in the morning, such as where you will stay and most importantly, how to get back to the real world.
"Good morning. " you said as you sat up.
"Good morning human! I made pancakes and bacon if you would like some" it said smiling.
"I'm good" you said.
"Are you sure? There is plenty so no need to feel like a burden."
"I said I was good." You said starting to get irritated.
"Ok." It's smile faded.
It was then silent.

"My I ask, do you have a name?"
"Yes I do! It's Barnie"
Barnie? What a strange name.
"May I ask what your name is?" It asked sitting down.
"Y/n." You said moving away from the cheerful creature.
"What a beautiful name!"
"Thanks I guess."
"May I ask, what are you?"
"A dinosaur" barney said smiling.
"What? I those went extinct ages ago?"
"Nope. not here at least."
I must be dreaming. None if this can be real and I refuse to believe that.

Another day went by and you got even more curious of that locked door so you decided to try and open it. After 10 attempts at getting the right combination, you see barnie at the corner of your eye with an angry look on his face,holding a bat. And when I said angry, I meant it.
"Uh oh.." You thought gulping in fear.
Then it was darkness.

Toxic Love (Barney x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now