I like you

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I had to turn my phone back on so I had directions to get to set and when I did of course guess who was still calling me... Elizabeth Olsen. I decided to answer this time.

Maia: "What Lizzie. What do you want. I'm very close to changing my number since you won't stop spamming me!"

Lizzie: "Maia thank god I got you. Can I please just explain to you what happened!"

Maia: "Ugh this again look Elizabeth I really don't have the time to talk about this. It's your life I don't care what you do anymore."

Lizzie: "Maia you don't mean that! I was drunk and didn't even realize what was happening but the minute I did I pushed him off."

Maia: "Must of took you a long time to realize considering all the pictures that were captured of you two!"

Lizzie: "Yes it took longer but Maia I promise it meant nothing please why is this affecting you so much!"

Maia: "REALLY Lizzie you have to ask that question. God do you not get it by now I LIKE YOU! Like A LOT and so yes of course this hurts because a part of me thought you liked me as well. But I guess I was wrong cause if you did you wouldn't have done this."

Lizzie: "Maia--"

Maia: "Please stop! I'm at set now I have to go you can stay in that house I'll go somewhere else."

Lizzie pov: 

Maia hung up the phone after confessing her feelings to me. I felt so dumb I froze when I heard her say she liked me and all I could say was "Maia" then she cut me off. She's not even coming back to the house so I need to figure this all out before she leaves and goes somewhere else because I've liked this girl forever now and I can't just let her slip away. She's on set today till 6. Screw it I'm going to set and talking to her then to try and get her to forgive me and tell her how I feel.

You Are Everything [elizabeth olsen]Where stories live. Discover now