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(: -what you guys do on rainy days- :)

DREAM: you two play video games mostly, sometimes Board games with drista. You guys also make tons of blanket forts like the 5 year olds you are :)

GEORGE: Sleeping. all day. Maybe some movies here and there. But mostly sleep.

SAPNAP: Since sapnap fucking sucks at cooking, you'll cook some food and you guys will watch movies and cuddle all day :)

WILBUR: You guys make songs together, him on his guitar and you on (y/i) (your/instrument) covers,parodies,orignal songs, anything :)

ERET: You guys will go online shopping sometimes and will look for matching clothes to wear together :) he'll get you a strawberry dress and platforms, just like hers :) 

NIKI: You guys will have cute study or just hangout sessions. And bake :)

TECHNO: You guys both enjoy history, you prefer (time period) mythology and he prefers Greek mythology. Depending on the mood, you guys will sit and read together :)

KARL: Old cartoon marathons and nail painting :) so much monster cans everywhere, instagram/tiktok fit checks and just plain old fun :)

QUACKITY: Dance parties. Karaoke. Singing and dancing. AUTOTUNEEEEEEEeeeEeee 

DRISTA: Annoying the living shit out of dream, then playing video games :)

BADBOYHALO: Baking and board games, maybe some Netflix later :D

TOMMY: Video games and inside vlogs, and many nerf or nothing battles to the D E A T H

TUBBO: you two would go out jumping in the rain and puddles, no matter how rainy it is. But at the first sign of thunder yall get scared and go inside and cuddle or sneak to Tommy's house and force him to give his food up to you guys.

RANBOO: Video games, streams and just really fun times. You guys will fall asleep in his unicorn chair together and wake up and make some monstrous abomination you guys call food. CAKE THAT CAN KILL G O D



-request lol-

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