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DREAM: He always kinda knew and hinted at it, kinda as a joke, but after a few months he knew that his feelings were true.

GEORGE: He finally realized for himself when you guys fell asleep on call one night. He looked at you sleeping peacefully and knew that he loved you.

SAPNAP: It was love at first sight. He's just....like that... He loved you since he first heard your voice and saw your face.

WILBUR: When he realized was due to your influence, helping him get out of bed and come to his pc and talk, he loved your kindness and just loved you. :)

ERET: When he found out that you supported him and that you were also part of lgbtq+ he loved you even more than he already did. 

NIKI: When you guys first hung out together and you baked her favoruite pastry, and were comforting when she was sad.

TECHNO: When he found out yall were both history nerds and anarchists. Also when you first helped him with the voices.

KARL: When he saw your streams, you did fits checks just like him, you were pretty, and you both had similar interests. 

QUACKITY: When you stood up against jshlatt for him. He just knew.

DRISTA: A couple months after yall started hanging out, she realized that she loved your humor and your kindness. And your choas.

BADBOYHALO: When you met up, 2 months after meeting him. He was so comforted by your presence, he sorta always knew, but wasn't sure until your kindness overpowered him when yall met up.

TOMMY: It took awhile, but he found out (with help from Wilbur and tubbo) that he had a crush on you, it was sorta always in thr back of his mind, but he was never sure.

TUBBO: Always. And he shows it. Everyone knew since when he first met you. Uh...except you..apparently. 

RANBOO: Yall's been friends since 4th grade. Somewhere in like 6th grade maybe even earlier, he knew he liked you when you would call him nicknames and not be scared of his height. :)


-this is terrible lol-


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