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DREAM: Your laugh. He loves how it sounds.

GEORGE: Your eyes. He loves how (e/c) they are. And hoe they li by t up when you see something you like.

SAPNAP: Your face. He loves how round your cheeks are and how small your nose is.

WILBUR: Your voice. He loves how nice it is. And how it fits perfectly with his.

ERET: Your acceptivness. They love how accepting you are of him and everyone else.

NIKI: Your personality. She loves it in general.  

TECHNO: Your intelligence. He loves your drive to get new information. Also your knowledge of Greek myth. 

KARL: Your fashion sense. He loves how you discover and try new things and styles, and how cute you look in big sweaters too.

QUACKITY: Your humor. And how is so close to his. He loves how you can always make him laugh, even if you don't mean too.

DRISTA: Your adventurous nature. She loves how brave you are.

BADBOYHALO: Your kindness. He loves how accepting and kind you are to people. 

TOMMY: Your calmness. Even though it seems not like this. He loves how calm you can be sometimes. And how it balances him out.

TUBBO: Your love of animals. 

RANBOO: Your height. He loves how your (shorter/as tall) as him and loves that he can lean his arm on your head/lean his head comfortably on your shoulder. :)



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