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Y/N: Your the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you.

Niki: Ok, I want you to eat three meals a day, drink a healthy amount of water, and have a decent sleep schedule.

Y/N: Absolutely not.


 dream: if you had to choose between tommy and all the money I have in my pocket, what would you choose?

Y/N: that depends, how much money we talking about?

Tommy: y/n!

Dream: 69 cents.

Y/N: I'll take the money :D

Tommy: Y/N!!!


Tommy: On a scale of ''danm Daniel'' to ''fre sha Vaca do'', how are you feeling today?

Y/N: In between "it's an avacado...thanks", to "how did you defeat captain america", but as a solid answer I'm probably "I don't need a degree to be a clothing hanger", how bout you wilbur?

Wilbur: I'd have to say "road work ahead".

Techno: I speak many languages, but this is none of them.

Phil: *confused birb noises*


*The SBI + tubbo,ranboo and Y/N eating dinner quietly*

Y/N, out of nowhere: excuse me, are you Aaron burr, sir-

Tommy: depends who's asking-

Tubbo I'm Alexander Hamilton, I'm at your service sir-

Wilbur: I heard your name at princeton-

Ranboo: I was seeking an accelerated course of study-

Techno: when I got sort of out of hand with a buddy of yours-

Phil, sick of Hamilton: :/  *gets up and leaves as the rest continue to sing*

Sorry it's short-
Request plz!

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