Chapter 5

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"AHHHH!" a girl screamed, her blond hair fell in front of her face when she landed on the ground. she groaned. "the heck?" she said confused as she got up, looking around her, all she saw was trees, "oh no." she said her heart dropping, she started to run until she saw two large cabins, "Weeping woods." she moaned. She brushed off her jeans and her Midas shirt, patting her hair down. "ARI!" a voice yelled. The girl turned her head sharply to see a boy running towards her, His shoulder length chestnut brown hair flew behind him. he was wearing a striped shirt and flare jeans that where to big for him and that's why they flared, "Talon!" Ari yelled running towards him. "hi." he said out of breath. "so...we are in Fortnite." Ari said. "Yep. i noticed." Talon said, his brown eyes wide. Ari narrowed her gray eyes, "this isn't good is it." "nope. we could be stuck in the loop, if we are then...." Talon trailed off. they both knew what he was going to say, they would be trapped here forever. "we have to lea-" Ari began but she was interrupted by another scream. The two friends looked at each other, then nodded, they ran towards the noise. they saw a boy with black hair standing up. he spotted them and yelled, "ah!" "hi." Ari said awkwardly.  "um...Hello." he said, he blinked her blue eyes and took a twig out of his hair. "we are so doomed." Talon said shaking his head. "why?" the boy asked. "well, we are in Fortnite obviously and that means that we are in the Loop and that means that we could be here forever." He said. "why?" the boy and Ari asked said at the same time. "because-Ari you already know why."  Talon said confused. "i know. i forgot." she said shrugging. "OK, well, when we are in the loop, its unlikely for us to get out, simplified." Talon said.  "how DO we get out?" Ari asked. "well we need to find a rift or someone who can open one." Talon said, his eyes lit up.
like maybe..."



Talon and Ari laughed, "its probably Jones." "yeah..." Ari said.  "um, well my name Is Ari." Ari said turning to the boy. "Shawn." The boy  said. "Talon!" Talon said. "well if we are in Weeping Woods going this way should lead us to The Agency." Talon said.

"Hey, i will let you know when i can figure out something to do." Jones said as Skye stepped out the door. "but we need to do something now!" Skye exclaimed. "yeah, but i don't know what to do. Goodbye Skye." Jones said closing the door. "Rude." Skye said under her breath. the only thing left to do was to go back to the agency, Skye glanced at Jones through his window, he was putting a book back on a shelf, there was a moment when the whole world seemed to shake, Skye assumed that it was Midas. She began to walk back to the Agency, a bitter expression on her face.

After what seemed like hours the trio heard a speedboat, "whats that?" Ari asked. "a speed boat." Talon said sarcastically. Ari laughed. "lets go find out." Shawn said, running towards the noise.

Skye looked to her right and saw three people standing on the river bank, two boys and one girl. one of the boys seemed to be around her age and the girl seemed to be about three years younger and the other boy looked a lot younger than her. "Skye!" A girl with blond hair screamed at her. "How do you know my name?" Skye asked stopping the boat. "well you're kind of in a..." the girl with blond hair began. "Video game, right." Skye interrupted. "you're obviously not from here." Skye said getting out of the boat. the trio told her their stories and Skye nodded as they spoke. "um..." Ari said nervously. "so you ARE Skye?" "yes..." Skye said raising her eyebrows. "can i hug you?" Ari exclaimed. Talon sighed. "OK...."Skye said confused. Ari embraced Skye and then pulled away, "you are my favorite! well, Midas first but, you know...ahhhh" Ari said having a little breakdown of joy. Skye went ridged at Midas' name. "we need to get out of here." Talon said shaking his head. "can you help us?" Skye narrowed her eyes, "only if you help me." "OK with what?" Shawn asked. "stopping Midas." Skye said, glaring at them. "S-stop Midas?" Ari asked. Skye nodded, "its that or you never get home." "we need to stop him from activating the device?" Shawn asked. "yes. i need you three to be spies." Skye said, "i need you to find out who is on Ghost and who is on Shadow. you will spy on the names i give you. introduce yourself, then spy on them, make them think that they are alone. what will they do?" Skye said heading to the speedboat. once they all got in she began to tell them more of her plan. "You, Talon, Will befriend Meowscles and Icefang. Shawn, Deadpool. Ari, TNTina. i also want you to spy on Midas, to make sure i am right about him." Ari gasped, "Midas? oh my gosh...." she fanned her self with both hands. "why do i only have Deadpool?" Shawn asked. "because Deadpool is a handful and he is usually only at the Yacht, the rest of them are at the Agency so its easier that way's the Agency." Skye said stopping next to the island.

Talon and Ari walked up the the Agency, Ari's heart was racing, she loved Midas, and to see him was a dream come true! he would probably hate her though. Suddenly realizing her shirt she laughed. "Talon, my shirt." Talon looked, "oh, its Midas, he will be very confused." he said smiling. Ari laughed again, "I cant believe this...i am going to see Midas...." her heart fluttered. "look, there is Meowscles!" Talon said pointing to Meowscles.

Shawn hoped of the speedboat and climbed up the stairs of the Yacht, still pondering about how he was currently in a video game and was helping Skye, who seemed different than he had imagined, he spotted Deadpool on the main dock, "Um, Mr. Deadpool?" Deadpool turned around, "huh? who are you?" "my name is Shawn, i am from earth. I don't know if you know about tha-" Shawn began. "oh yes i know, why are you here?" Deadpool interrupted. "well i..." Shawn realized that he had no idea what to say to him! he could not simply tell him that Skye wanted to find out if he was on Ghosts side. "well, i just really wanted to see you!" Shawn lied. "really?" Deadpool said. "yes! i wanted to see if you really where as wonderful as you are on a screen!" Shawn said.  "really?" Deadpool asked, enthralled. "yes! and you are!" Shawn said, buttering him up. "REALLY? well I'm glad you think so." Deadpool said, laughing. "I'm wondering Mr. Deadpool," Shawn began. "please, call me Deadpool." Deadpool snorted. "Deadpool. are you with shadow or ghost?" Shawn asked. "oh Ghost definitely!" Deadpool said gesturing around to his Ghost henchman. Shawn smiled.  Let the Spying begin.

Midas stared at Ari's shirt, " us?" "noooo" Ari said laughing, "i do, i love you!" Midas forced a laugh. TNTina burst out laughing. Talon was talking to Meowscles and Icefang eagerly. "so your telling me that your mother was a human and your father was an actual cat?" Meowscles nodded, "yep." "wow." Talon said shaking his head. "Well i have work to do." Midas said turning around. Now. Ari thought, go and talk to TNTina...she couldn't just simply ask her, "hey are you ghost or shadow?" it had to be  more hidden...a way to get her answer without TNTina knowing whats going on...what could she do? she had it. "hey TNTina!" Ari said putting up her best smile. "Hey! whats your name again?"



"no, Ari."


"A-R-I" Ari said, why could no one say her name? "oh, sorry." TNTina said. TNTina is so cool. Ari thought. "so, what color do you prefer? Black or White?" TNTina thought for a second, " definitely." One point towards shadow. Ari thought. "so with this whole war going on, your on ghost right?" Ari asked. TNTina nodded. "if there were no problems with being on a different side which one would you choose?" Ari asked. "Ghost." TNTina said a little too quickly. "mm i see. OK, i'm going to go find Midas." Ari said smiling. Ari walked far enough away for TNTina not to be able to see her anymore and quickly hid behind a large plant, after a few minutes TNTina walked into view and stopped walking. she put her finger to her earpiece. "I'm in the main area or whatever. yes I'm alone. why?" Ari edged closer. "M, you cant do it yet. I'm not ready." So she was talking to Midas.... "what do you mean it doesn't matter if I'm ready or not!" TNTina exclaimed. "oh don't say that. i am very loyal to Shadow Midas and you know it. ugh, i love you too." Ari almost squealed, this conversation just confirmed two things, one that both TNTina and Midas are on Shadow and, that they are together! Ari  snuck away.

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