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At first when they told me the world was ending I didn’t believe them, I mean that’s the sort of thing that happens in movies. Aliens coming to our world and destroying our governments? Then rounding us all up so they can kill us? It just didn’t seem real, even now while I sit here waiting to be discovered. It’s been three weeks since we’ve all started living down here, it gets kind of lonely being the only teenager sometimes I wish I could go outside again but everyone says it’s to dangerous. From time to time Isaac will leave to get more food so we don’t starve down here, That’s the man with the blonde hair and the lady with the red hair is his sister Patricia. In college Patricia and Jacob used to date and they stayed in touch because they knew one day aliens would come and destroy the earth. Sometimes I wonder what happened to my friends, I hope they’re all okay, Isaac says not to hold my breath that they probably went to the quarantine zones and that they were sitting ducks for the aliens. Then my mom yells at him for being a jerk and telling the truth. The alarm clock Patricia keeps next to her cot says it’s 11:00 pm everyone’s asleep well probably not Isaac but that doesn’t really matter because he’s outside getting more food. I slide off my cot and grab the flashlight that Jacob used when he brought us down to this prison. I shuffle over to the door that leads to the tunnel as quietly as I can, I wrap a shaky hand around the door handle and start to slid it open. I wince as the door lets out a creeeeek, luckily it doesn’t seem to wake anyone up. I click on my flashlight and shine it down the long corridor I slowly creep out into the tunnel and carefully close the door behind me. I walk down the dirt corridor as fast as I can, doing my best to choke back the fear of being trapped down hear forever in the dark alone. After what felt like forever but probably was only 20 minutes I find the stair case that Jacob lead us down 3 weeks ago. I carefully ascend the creaky wooden stair case so as not to fall back down and break my neck. I lift the trap door and find myself standing in Jacob’s house once again. I run to the door and open it, I must have stood there for five minutes just inhaling the fresh air. It must have rained recently because when I steep out there are puddles everywhere, the thing that really strikes me as weird is that even though i’m in the middle of a busy city I can see the stars, maybe with everyone gone there isn’t pollution to fog up the sky. I start to walk down the street I know it isn’t safe but a few more minutes couldn’t hurt right? I was on my way back to Jacob’s house when out of nowhere Jacob came sprinting at me and tackled me to the ground and screamed out Isaacs name telling him that he found me. Those were his last words when he called out to Isaac he also got something else’s attention, It was tall over 7 feet and had slimy black skin it looked like it would peel off and stick to you if you touched it, it didn’t have a face and it let out a blood curdling scream or maybe I did as it ripped him in half. Isaac ran around the corner and pulled out a gun and started shooting at it, He saved my life I was able to run away because Isaac had grabbed it’s attention. I ran as fast as I could down the street and I didn’t stop till I was back in the tunnel. I was cold and drenched in Jacobs blood I feel on the floor of the tunnel and started to cry. It’s hard to keep track of time when you’re sitting alone in the dark but eventually the trap door opened up and Isaac limped down the stair case and walked past me towards the bunker. I don’t remember when but I drifted off to sleep, and was woken up by my mother who was shaking my shoulder once again. Isaac thought I was a liability and he wouldn’t waste his time trying to save me every time I run off, I had already caused one death he wasn’t going to wait for me to cause another. My mom handed me fresh clothes and let me changed then she lead me up the stair case and into the outside world that a few days ago appealed to me so much.

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