A shoulder to cry on

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I pushed through the revolving doors and stood in a deserted check in area. It was serene and peaceful compared to all the other times I had been to an airport but at the same time it was eerie. I wandered down through security check and then past the metal detectors and found my self in that giant hallway that leads to all the terminals and has all the food kiosks and gift shops. Looking at all the food kiosks reminded me I was starving, maybe there was still some fresh food at some of them. Just down the hall there was a little sandwich shop that seemed promising. I stared at the nearly depleted assortment of sandwiches, but it was my lucky day there was a whole pile of the uncrustable Pb&J sandwiches. I had just started picking up as many of them as I could when from behind me a girl popped up from behind the cash register counter, weapon in hand. “Ahhhh!” “Ahhh omg! You’re a human! I’m soooo sorry I didn’t mean to scare you like that!” she gushed, lowering her glock. “it’s fine you just scared me a little” I replied, as it turned out her and some others had stayed behind in the airport when the quarantine was issued, and they saw everything that had been going on via news broadcasts that is up till a few weeks ago when all the stations stopped broadcasting. There had been 23 humans who stayed behind 7 of which were flight attendants, 3 kiosk workers, and 13 pilots. As it turns out they had been preparing an airplane to go to Europe where there was still human civilization, they were hoping to go over there and warn them about the impending doom. “so are you going to come with us?” asked the girl who earlier pulled a gun on me, her name’s Valarie; she has short brown hair, blue eyes, and she has a purple tattoo on her left wrist of a lily. “I, I can’t my mom…” I tried to say as hot tears dripped down my face, and I slid to the ground. Valarie sat down next to me and tried her best to soothe me. She sat with me for a long time as I cried about everything that had happened, it was just to much for anyone to bare alone.

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