Operation Burnout: 1

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Warehouse 12, Sengala West District
Dar Havon, 61st Stormtrooper Battalion

It didn't take long for Raz, to give us the good to go. We arrived several dozen feet from our target on an Imperial Troop Transport, and had taken up our assigned positions. The only thing that seemed to change, was the fact that Raz had the frontal assault team carry Riot Shields. They we're bulky and heavy, it felt like my arm was going to be ripped off. "Sarge why do we have to wield these shields", Britchwood wasn't fairing any better than me it seemed. Yet regardless of how we felt we pressed on,only staying within a foot of Raz. Two members of the support squad, followed behind us covering the rear.

As we neared the warehouse door, there was something off with the area. "It's too quiet, don't you think" one of the support members said. But before anyone could answer back, the comms turned on causing all of us to stop. "Sarge I see movement", it was Loba but Raz didn't say a thing and only motioned for us to tighten up. As we did I spoke to Loba, "How many do you see". Loba only responded with "can't see jack shit just be careful".

Suddenly the entire docking bay, lit up in a sea of red lights, as the Rebels revealed their positions. We were completely caught off guard, "Ambush it's a- the trooper cut off as red blaster bolts went clean through him, killing him instantly. Yet there was no time to grieve, as the rebels kept on firing. "Dar, Britchwood on me, we use our shields to cover each other" Raz then quickly lept out of cover and into the open, with both of us following closely.

We all converged on each other, each covering the other. This drew the Rebels attention, and subsequently all their firepower on us. Though the shields were for the most part, resistant to the blaster bolts the rebels fired. But there was so much, that the sheer force was pushing us back. It was almost to the point, to where we used each other's backs to support each other.

But against the odds, we held our ground against the rebel onslaught. When it seemed to ease up, Raz ordered us push forward. Though any chance of that happening, was cut off as the onslaught seemed to intensify as soon as we moved. It seemed like we were in a loop, we hold out, they fire, we push back, and they push us back. "What are gonna do now" Britchwood asked as we once again struggled to hold our ground.

Thankfully Raz came up with a plan, "we pop a spotting flare once we know were they are, their advantage is gone and we give us, Loba and Grey something to shot at." So we waited, until they once again eased up, when they did Raz shoot the flare, which went and exploded illuminating the skies around us in blinding light. Revealing at least 20 rebels, each armed with A280s, all situated on the shipping containers. They seemed to be focused on the flare, shocked that their advantage of stealth was removed in one move.

It was likely our one and only chance.

Seizing the opportunity, Raz told us push forward and this time it was different. We lowered our shields, and pointed our blasters to the unaware rebels. By the time they turned their direction to us, two of them had already been cut down by us. A third followed shortly after, curtesy of Loba seeing the same opportunity. The support member, jumped out of cover, and began firing on them as well.

By now five more Rebels had been killed, with the rest taking cover from our assault. It was then, the flare had began to burn out and the area surrounding us began to darken once more. Rebel blaster bolts, fired soon after forcing us behind our shields. "We're back at square one, now what!!?" As much as I hate to say it Britchwood was right, we basically achieved nothing for the past ten minutes. "Sarge do we have anymore flares" Raz only shook his head, as I cursed out our luck.

It was then I remembered, one of the support members had brought thermal detonators with them. "Britchwood, where are the thermal detonators?" Britchwood just pointed his finger to the body of the fallen support member. I once again silently cursed my luck, but I needed those detonators. "Cover me will you" Britchwood nodded as he moved his shield so that he could fire his blaster. As soon as he fired, I dropped my shield and ran as fast as I could to get the thermal detonators.

Once I got close, I sold right next to the body and started to tug on the backpack the corpse had. By now some of the rebels saw that I was exposed, and began to fire on me. A blaster bolt flew just inches away from my head, before striking the ground leaving a smoking hole, causing me to momentarily freeze. Snapping out of it, and not wanting to be hit, I ended up tearing the straps of the backpack off the corpse. With the backpack in hand, I could finally get to cover, and booked it to the cover. Maybe luck was on my side after all.

Seems I spoke too soon, as I felt a sharp pain rise from the back of my leg. This caused me to fall, and crash into the container, which made the backpack spill its contents all over me. 'Shit this hurts' I sucked in my breath and gritted my teeth, as turned my leg and saw that the armor protecting my hind leg was gone, and that my knee had a massive burn mark on it. "You alright" I turned and saw Britchwood hovering over me, the shield protecting us both. "Yeah just get the damn detonators" I waved him off as I picked up my shield and used it as leverage to pick myself up.

"I have a plan, give some to the Sarge" I handed a handful of the detonators to him, and he ran off to Raz. "You better know what your doing" Raz said over the comm. "I do, thanks to your flare we know the enemy positions, we're going to use the detonators to finish them." I picked up one of the detonators, activating it and watching it glow red before throwing it. Moments later, a ball of fire engulfs the area in front of me. Raz and Britchwood then threw theirs, each ending in the same ball of fire. We didn't stop, until we were nearly out of thermal detonators.

Despite the fact, that there was near complete silence, we still didn't move in fear of another ambush. Raz was the first to make a move, leaving cover and watching the containers slowly. When nothing came at him, he turned to us and said "clear". Now knowing it was safe, we assumed our positions, with me on the left and Britchwood on the right. Passing by the bodies of the Rebels, that got caught in the blast.

"Talos get the door Britchwood, Dar we'll form a shield wall." As we formed up, Raz informed the rest of squad of the assault. "Highsinger be ready, the second we open the door I want you to eliminate anyone in there except the leaders." As the doors started to slide open, I brought my shield near my chest. As expected, the remaining rebels, had there blasters pointed at the door.

But before any of them could fire, multiple rays of red came from the roof, slaying all the rebels. I looked to Raz who only nodded, signaling that it was ok to move forward. Which I did.

I passed through all the dead, their faces of surprise etched onto everyone of their faces. But the longer I looked at their faces the more I felt pity for them. They didn't even have a chance to properly defender themselves. Just killed like live-stock in a the slaughterhouse. But before I could dwell on it any further, I looked around too see if anyone was still alive.

There wasn't

"All Clear" I yelled as I continued to survey the area. As I did the others came out of hiding, and started to amass at the center of the warehouse. Now there was only one thing left to do.

Capture the leaders

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