The Pilot

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Xaphen, Mid-Rim
Rayla Alkie, 10th Imperial Flight Wing

"Dagger 3 watch yourself" "Incoming Incoming Incoming" "They're all around me" "Dagger 5 is down" "That's one down" "I'm not gonna make it" "I'm h- I shut off my comms, before the message could even finish. I just need to shut it off. It was just all bad. From the moment those Rebel Cruisers jumped out of hyperspace, it was already over.

They just overwhelmed us, no matter how many we shot down they just kept on coming. The situation was hopeless, from all perspectives. Officers giving contradicting orders. Pilots being separated from their squads and pairing up with different squads. How could it have gone all wrong.

At first, it seemed like we would crush the Rebel Ships in front of us. The first wave was swept aside, only unsupported Y-Wings that made for easy kills. But, as more and more Rebels Ships and fighters came out of hyperspace, the more and more our chances of victory were diminishing. Next thing I know, Rebel Starfighters were swarming us on mass and from there it was chaos.

The first Star Destroyer was cut to pieces and then the second Star Destroyer. The orbital platforms, that covered the planets atmosphere, laid in ruin. In response, we fell back to the planet's atmosphere so we could at least have some protection from the laser cannons on the ground. It didn't matter in the slightest, the ground cannons did little before most of them were annihilated. Now the few of us left, are fighting blind, left to die.

"Beep" "Beep", someone was trying to contact me on my comms. Upon turning on the comm channel, a voice immediately spoke through the other end. "-agger 7 do you copy, Dagger 7 this is Dagger Leader" my squad leaders voice brought with it some relief, at least someone from the squad was still alive. "Dagger Leader this is Dagger 7, boy am I glad to see you" "Were pulling out now, get your ass out of here" At these words, I immediately pulled my TIE up towards the sky and put all power to engines.

In space, I rushed passed the now shattered Imperial Defense Force. Passing by the wreckages of both Imperial and Rebel Starcraft. "Dagger 7, you have something behind you", just then my sensors picked up something moving behind me. Suddenly my ship rocked violently, as I saw red lasers shooting past me. "X-Wing, Bastard think they can take me from behind, huh" I twisted my controls, flying erratically in an attempt to lose him, but he was persistent. No matter what I did, he kept a close leash on me.

My ship rocked again, as laser fire hit the hull. I looked at my hull integrity, 60% only a few more shots and I'm dead. I continued flying through the debris of the battle, using the floating wreckage as cover against his laser cannons. "I can't shake him" "I need help", I yelled over the comms to any friendlies in the area. Hoping that someone would hear me.

Nothing... no one was coming for me. I'm going to die here. I'm actually going to die here, to a Rebel no less. Damn it all.


I'm not going to die here, not in an Imperial Star Destroyer wreckage, not over the skies of Coruscant, and certainly not to a goddamn X-Wing Pilot. I'm not dying not now, not ever. I might not live to see the Rebellion burn, but I'm going to make sure this Pilot will. That I can at least do.

"The Empire is finished Imp, I'm giving you one chance to not throw your life away" I just scoffed at the Rebel's offer, as I readied the kill switch for the entire ship. "No" flipping the switch, immediately cutting the power to the entire ship, passing by the X-Wing who sped right past me. After a few seconds I restored power and ignited the engines.

The roles were now switched, the hunter is now the hunted. I immediately began firing on him, landing a hit on one of his engines causing it to sputter. It became slower, easier to hit, and slowly I was getting a lock on his ship. I started firing on it again, hitting his astromech, destroying it in the process. "No where to run nor hide, scum" I could feel the adrenaline running through my veins, as the lock on was getting closer and closer. "Didn't you hear me, you lost your war; you think killing me will change fate" I looked at my targeting system, I had a lock on him. "This war is lost for you" I pulled the trigger, one shot landed, then another and another, until his cockpit violently erupted in flames, shortly followed by the rest of his ship exploding. Leaving only the shattered remains of what used to be the hull. "Not for me"

"Dagger 7 do you read" it was a Dagger Leader. "Dagger Leader, where the hell we're you I needed help" they contact me now of all times. "It doesn't matter, your safe that's about it." I wanted to shout and yell at him, he left me to die. "Heading to your coordinates sir" I then quietly shut off the comm channel as I headed for the coordinates. Silently moving my ship, as to not give my position to Rebel Fighters looking for stragglers.

After one to many close calls, I finally arrived to the coordinates. It was an a Imperial Cruiser, Arquitens-class I think it was called. Damned if I know how it survived the space battle. "Quickly get into the hanger now" the cruiser then opened up a small hanger, with two other TIEs inside. Not wasting any time, I quickly landed into the tiny hanger bay. Letting out a small sigh, as the hanger doors closed shut.

Upon exiting my badly damaged TIE, I spotted two other pilots. Dagger Leader and Dagger 4 also known as Hadrix and Wexlee respectively. They turned their attention to me, as I walked hastily towards them. "Is this all that's left" "Afraid so, Daggers 2,3,5,6,8,9,10,11 and 12 are dead." my hand turned into a fist, which I clenched hard on. So many of us dead, just like that, the people, friends that I flew countless missions with, gone in an instant.

"Better them than us, sir" I just looked at Wexlee with a mixture of shock and disgust. How could he just say that. He served with them, just as long as I did. He knew them, who they were, their hopes and dreams. Too just say that and not have single ounce of remorse, as if they were nothing. "We'll make sure they're deaths are avenged" at that Wexlee and I seemed to agree.

"Prepare to jump to hypers-... Y-Wings they've spotted us." "Everyone brace" suddenly a loud thud was heard knocking everyone off balance and causing the lights the get knocked out for a bit. I immediate rushed to my TIE, until I heard the sounds of what seemed like the Hyperdrive engine kicking in. I settled down a little, at least now we're away from the battle.

Several Hours Later

"Exiting hyperspace in 3,2-" the ship than began to shake violently. Tossing around personnel and equipment around like rag dolls. It lasted for several more seconds, until it came to a complete stop. By now the hanger was a complete mess. Panels were ripped right open, exposing the ship's internal compartments. Sparks flew everywhere as cables became loose, due to the shaking.

                 As the crew, rushed to make whatever small repairs they can. The intercom turned on, "sorry for the rough landing everyone, but we're here" "Welcome to Kedala"

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