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Sangala, Kedala
Dar Havon, 61st Stormtrooper Battalion

Yes It's been five months since then, we were ordered down to the capital city. Which besides the Star Destroyer shipyards and AT-AT factories, was your run of the mill capital city. High skyscrapers all the way down to pathetic shacks, the lower levels have as housing.

The only thing that was worth noting, was that the southern part of the city housed a pleasure quarter. Not that any of us could visit, we barely had any free time since we deployed to the city. Raz, seems content with this however, patrols just like it was any other day. Despite the heavy fortifications around every block and drastic increase in patrols.

As of right now, there was an uneasy peace as they're have been no incidents of violence between the populace and us. Though it would only take a single blaster shot to send the city into chaos. All things considered that was preferable to all out war, in the streets.

For the most part, life for the average citizen was proceeding as normal. There haven't been, any public displays of civil unrest. Most continued on there day, like it was any other day. That's what it would seem to the naked eye, as on first glance it looked like a city, with years of Imperial Occupation. However, the eyes of many said the exact opposite of peaceful.

In all of those who passed us or passed anyone in our armor for that matter, looked at us with disgust and contempt. They looked at us, as if we were their object of hatred. Whispering behind our backs when we weren't looking, spreading the seeds of discontent through word of mouth. Most talked about, our simple presence as a trample of our civil liberties. They wouldn't say that to our faces, though with the threat of potential death in the air.

"Hey Dar" a voice came from behind, I looked back too see Singer looking at me. "What is it" I said with a less than enthusiastic voice. It was Singer after all, he always questioned anything anytime especially if he was bored. "What do you think, the Sarge is up too", he said not knowing the full gravity of his question.

I looked at him, before quickly turning to Raz, seeing him he continue to walk forward. Quickly turning my helmet to face Singer, "Are you that brain-dead" I yelled in a hushed voice. "You and I, know the Sarge is impossible to read" we continued to walk forward.

"Keep up" Raz yelled from the front, as he continued to trudge forward. Easier said than done, the whole street was packed to the brim with civilians all going about their business. As a result, there we were forced to move more akin to that of a snail, as we drew deeper and deeper into the city. If it wasn't for our white armor, safe to say it all of us would lose sight of each other quickly. So we just placed a hand, on each other's pauldron as to not get swept by the crowd.

However, all I could think about, was much my damned feet hurt "Sir" I said being the closest to Raz, knowing full well what I was about to say. In response he turned and looked straight at me, quietly waiting for my question. "Permission, to rest sir" I said trying my best to ignore the pain in my soles. "No, you can rest at base", without even waiting for a response he continued marching forward, forcing us to follow him in order to not lose track of one another.

This continued, until night where we finally heading towards the barracks. All of us were exhausted from patrol, more mentally than physically. Eyes followed us wherever we went, all filled with hate and contempt. Easy to say it was taxing on the mind, trying to stay focused, while everyone secretly wants to kill you for simply wearing this armor, isn't the easiest thing in the galaxy. It was only after, we got behind the massive automatic gate, did any of us feel safe enough to breath.

"I just wanna go to sleep", I heard one them say as we made it to our beds. "Sure you don't want to eat", another said stripping off their armor. Can't say I blame them, for wanting to talk about stuff like this. Helps take the mind off, gods know we need it. Some R&R goes along away in this battalion, especially with all the patrol duties we've been assigned for past few months.

As I sat on my bed, taking off the various pieces of my armor. Revealing the black skin-tight suit, we all wore. And I laid on the bed, staring at the bottom of the bunk of above me. I groaned as I lowered my back on the cushioned mattress, nothing special about it, but it felt like bliss to finally lay down. Others in the squad, had the same reaction, finally receiving the rest they so longed for.

I soon closed my eyes, I don't know how long I had my eyes shut, but eventually I drifted to sleep. The cold, lifeless, dreamless sleep, that is always there to greet me.

"Steel Fist", Kedala System
Wilhelm Strakon, Admiral of the 7th fleet

Silence, that's all I here for the past 5 months. Not a single word, has been said from outside the Kedala System. No word from the Moff. No word from the surrounding systems or the any of the fleets in the Mid-Rim. It's gone to shit, all of it has gone to shit. Now I don't know who's out there. Who's alive and who's not.

I let out a heavy sigh, filled with stress and frustration. Under normal circumstances, this would seem bad for my public image, seeing a fleet admiral in a state of weakness. But, considering that this situation was far from normal, I couldn't give a damn.

As I began to message my temple, I looked at the datapad on my desk. Hard not to notice, it was the only thing I had been staring at for the past few months. I just glared at it, as it's blue light illuminated my dark room. It continued to constantly display information, regarding the crew of the Steel Fist. For all the people in the fleet, from the Star Destroyers and even the Stormtroopers under Commander Reem.

  It was all useless to me, none of the information that was currently being shown meant nothing. "Useless piece of trash!!", I yelled as I threw the datapad to the floor. "Do your fucking job!!" I continued to yell at the now broken datapad. Seething with rage, I stumbled back into my chair in an attempt to calm myself down.

"Sir may I come in" a voice said muffled by the door. I just sighed, as I somehow managed to composed myself in a short amount of time. "Come in" I said in a commanding voice. Shortly after, the door slid open, revealing Djn my second-in-command in the entire fleet. He was a man in his forties, with a sharp chin and long nose. I've known him ever since I was a captain, and is the man I trust the most.

    "What is it Djn?", I didn't even bother to look at him. He didn't say anything as he approached me, only stopping when his waist was about to connect to the desk. After a few moments of silence, I looked at him, now with his hand extended holding his own datapad. "There something you need to see.", Djn then waited for me to take it from him, which I reluctantly did.I gave him a look of confusion, as I looked at the datapad. What was on it, shocked me.

      It was from Moff Stalfeld, it called for all Admirals under his Jurisdiction, to gather at Altura Station. Are we finally making a move? No more waiting around? We're going to move on the Rebellion and crush them now? I started feeling invigorated, adrenaline was now rushing throughout my entire body. "You're sure this is the Moff", I asked with an dumbfounded look. "Verifications check out, sir" Djn said calmly. That was all I needed to hear. "Get the Steel Fist ready f-

"Sir a vehicle has come out of hyperspace, looks like one of ours.", a voice came from behind Djn. At the door, was a fleet officer, panting as if he ran a mile. After catching his breath, he looked me straight in the eyes "They requested your presence."

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