Two: The fall (part one)

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Logan looked down at his phone and then at the time. He was so not excited for this. He sighed and put his phone in his pocket, grabbing his bag and keys. He walked towards the door.

"Bye mom." He sighed when he got no response and left to his car. He had left to live with his mother after he learned of his mothers issues from his brother, and his brother is never home so he has to be the adult and take care of them all. But he had to go to a different school and he was going to hate this wasn't he? As soon as he started the car he drove to the high school and parked. When he got out he noticed the looks he was getting. He knew he had a pretty popular car, it was expensive so he knew the looks were from rich kids wanting to befriend him because of his status. He didn't want friends this year, not after he lost most of them last year before he moved.

"Damn new kid nice wheels." Logan looked over and smiled as he walked towards the school doors, completely ignoring the kid. "Hey!" Logan paused when he felt the person pull him back. "I was talking to you!" Logan shook him off.

"Keep your hands off of me." Logan replied calmly.

"Tough guy?" The kid asked as he laughed. "Right because a nerd like you definitely is tough."

"Oh fuck off." Logan rolled his eyes and went to walk away but was suddenly slammed against the wall. He slid down and his stuff went flying. He groaned in pain.

"Don't test me." The kid walked off with his friends all of them laughing.

"Sorry about him..." Logan looked up and a kid smiled down at him as he helped pick up Logan's books. "They can be a bit obnoxious." Logan fixed his glasses and nodded.

"Yeah I can see that." Logan grabbed his books from the kid and stared. "Do you need something?" He grabbed the last book from the kid and the kid just frowned.

"I...urm sorry." Logan walked away and as soon as he stepped into the hallways of the school he saw the sassy pose and heard the laughter and looked directly at Remus. Remus who a few hours earlier was going to kill himself. Logan looked at the two he was with and bit his lip as he approached. One of them looked very emo, he was covered in purple and black from head to toe and was wearing fingerless gloves. His brother, of course. He looked at the other, half of his face was covered with scars. He wore a lot of yellow and black and he also had a hat on which was odd since they were inside. He looked Remus up and down and noticed he was wearing green and black. Remus was wearing a green octopus crop top, black shorts with black and green fishnet tights underneath. He also was wearing heels and black fingerless gloves. Logan noticed that Remus had a newly bruised eye though. He finally got closer to the group and Remus stopped laughing.

"What does the nerd want?" The kid in yellow asked.

"Don't know. Remus you know him?" The kid in purple asked. Acting like he doesn't even know his own brother? Ouch. Remus glanced around the hallways. He quickly looked at Logan.

"Not here." Remus grabbed Logan's arm and dragged him to an empty room.

"And why exactly are we pretending like nothing happened last night?" Logan asked. Remus scoffed.

"Please, as if I need to tell you why." Remus glanced at Logan's outfit. "Dude what are you wearing?"

"Who did that to your eye?" Logan asked. Remus sighed.

"I didn't know you would be at my school of all places Logan" Remus looked at his feet. "Anyways my father caught me sneaking back into the house last night."

"You didn't even inform them where you went?" Logan asked.

"No, and I'm never going to" Logan sighed.

"Remus you tried to kill yourself, you clearly need help." Remus glared.

"Like anyone will believe you anyways" Remus went to walk away and Logan grabbed his arm.

"Please don't Remus..." Remus shrugged Logan off.

"Just don't come near me, like ever. Understand me?" Remus stormed off and Logan stood looking at the floor.

"So what exactly did you and Remus do?" Logan looked up quickly seeing someone standing in the hallway. This person looked like Remus but more sophisticated. He was wearing a red and white sports jacket and had pins all over the chest. He was carrying himself like a Disney prince.

"What are you talking about?" Logan asked as he glanced towards the direction Remus left.

"I overheard you left your old school because you were dangerous." Logan flinched. That's not what happened.

"I was not dangerous, and don't you think if I was I wouldn't be in a high school?" Logan glared at the kid. "And don't assume you know me."

"You hanging around my brother means trouble." The kid looked down the hallway. "Remus is, and always will be, trouble." Logan frowned. No wonder why he wanted to kill himself his own brother thinks that lowly of him.

"Actually, he was inviting me over tonight but as soon as your royal ass showed up he started to pretend like he wasn't asking. So if you don't mind can I have your address so I don't get lost?" Logan folded his arms across his chest. Fuck this. He was going to figure out why Remus was like this.

"Oh he is so going to get shit for this." Roman laughed as he wrote something down and handed it to logan. "See you later then nerd." As he walked away logan rolled his eyes.

"Royal ass."

"Wow never seen someone actually piss Roman off other than his brother, nice job." Logan jumped and turned around to face his brother.

"Yeah, I'm good at being an ass to people who actually deserve it." Logan glared at Roman as he continued walking away.

"Changing your rules just because you changed schools?" Virgil questioned.  He looked at Remus down the hall talking to the kid in yellow.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah." Virgil snatched the paper from Logan's hands.

"Hey!" Virgil looked at the address then at Logan.

"Okay, first Remus is acting all sus around us after you guys talked, and now Roman sanders gave you their address? What the actual fuck is going on here?"

"Virgil?" The kid in yellow walked over and looked at Logan folding his arms across his chest. "Is something up?"

"No Janus, but we need to have a talk with these two." Virgil gestured at Logan and then at Remus. "Like now." Janus nodded and grabbed Logan's arm dragging him through the halls and towards the door heading outside. Virgil did the same with Remus.

"Woah! Hey! Let go!" Logan panicked.

"Guys?" Remus glanced between the three of them. "I'm all for like...kinky shit but kidnapping a random person we don't know isn't exactly how I pictured-."

"Gross Remus." Virgil face palmed. "Listen, this dude was invited to your house by Roman." Remus immediately looked at Logan.

"No," Remus shook his head. "No way in hell." Logan sighed.

"His royal ass was easy to manipulate." Logan shrugged. "I tricked him into giving me your address."

"Okay I really like the new you." Virgil laughed. "Well, it can't be all bad Re, at least you can convince them he's your boyfriend or something? That'll piss them off more than you being friends with me and Janus." Remus laughed.

"I mean, if he's up for that challenge then sure." Remus smiled evilly. "What do you say Logan? Up for it?" Logan pulled out his phone and texted Remus. Remus pulled out his phone and rolled his eyes.

L- if it keeps you off that bridge, then yes

R- no promises

Remus nodded at Janus and Virgil.

"Meet my new boyfriend." The two smiled at Logan.

"Oh this is going to be hilarious."

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