Eighteen: Rescue

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⚠️Trigger warning: Rape/Torture⚠️


Roman walked away from the group and looked at the notification that popped up from Janus. He pulled out his phone and the tracker was no longer active. He should have told everyone else but he was afraid Virgil would be mad at him forever for losing Janus. Remus walked over and he hid his phone.

"Come on Ro what's going on?" Remus asked. Roman handed Remus his phone and remuss eyes widened. "I'm so sorry you lost him but we'll figure this out okay? We'll find your boyfriend and Patton. None of this is your fault."

"He was counting on me and I let him down..." Remus rolled his eyes.

"Come on." He dragged Roman outside and the two got into the truck. "We're going to find them."

"Shouldn't we tell officer Thomas?" Roman asked. Remus quickly texted someone then nodded his head.

"Already did, now come on we don't know what's happening..." they sped off and when they reached the gas station Remus parked the truck. He put his phone in the glove box then grabbed Roman's phone from him. He turned on his location and Roman watched as Remus sent it to Virgil and then handed it to Roman. "If they take away our clothes you can place that in your hidden jacket pocket so they don't know you have it on you okay? Trust me on this." Roman nodded and got out of the truck with Remus. They walked to the cashier and got some snacks, and then stood outside the store.

"I can not believe you are making me do this without back up." Remus laughed.

"We'll be fine Roman." Remus saw the man who took Janus and gestured for Roman to follow him around the corner.

"Boys~" a man suddenly stepped out in front of them. "Isn't your car that way?"

"Well yeah, but we wanted to go for a little walk." Roman quickly said.

"Say, aren't you the boys who were looking for Patton?" He asked. Roman nodded.

"Do you know where he is?" The man nodded.

"Gimme your keys." Roman shakily handed them over and Remus pushed him behind him.

"We'll go with you, you don't need to knock up out." Remus held Roman's hand.

"Fine, follow us." Two more men appeared and grabbed hold of Remus and Roman's arms. They dragged them after them and a half hour later they were at some really expensive apartment complex. "Don't try to scream everyone in this building works for our boss." They reached the top floor and the elevator opened to reveal the penthouse.

"Welcome!" Someone cheerfully said. "Oh they came willingly? Interesting." Roman gagged. It smelt horribly of alcohol in here.

"We'll get them to their rooms." They were separated and Roman panicked.

"Re!" He went to run for Remus but was pulled backed.

"Come on you stupid boy." He was thrown into a bedroom and the man that dragged him looked him up and down with a smirk.

"L-Let me see my brother!" Tears filled Romans eyes.

"Get dressed, you will wear this and nothing but this, refuse and I'll just have to force you." He crossed his arms and gestured with his head at the bed. "There it is now put it on." Roman turned around and when he saw the thong he cringed. Just like the hotel huh? He sighed and stripped putting the underwear on. He turned around to face the man who only raised an eyebrow. "No fight in you at all huh?" He licked his lips. "You've got a little time before boss expects you." He stepped closer to Roman and suddenly Roman was thrown onto the bed.

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