Six: thats whats expected of me

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***two years later***


Logan stared down at his schedule. All AP courses. His senior year was going to be hell. He started walking to his locker and smiled when he heard the sound of chaos. He walked to where he heard it and laughed seeing Remus.

"Hey" He walked over. "Glad to have you home." Remus immediately jumped into Logan's arms.

"My god it is so good to be back! Ugh all the doctors and shit freaked me the fuck out and that's saying something..."

"So who are you and Roman staying with?" He asked. Remus looked down.

"About that," Remus sighed. "I'm staying at the old house with my aunt who moved in when my parents were detained."

"You serious!" Janus screamed. "HOW CAN YOU GO BACK THERE AT ALL!?"

"Janus I've told you why!" Remus shouted back. "I don't want to be there damnit!"

"Remus, chill out dude." Virgil looked at him and held his hand out.

"Sorry..." Remus backed up. "I didn't mean to snap.."

"So am I getting an explanation or we just going to stand here?" Logan asked. Remus sighed.

"I'm being forced to stay in the house with my aunt because some idiot doctors think it'll be good therapy."

"What the fuck!?" Logan face palmed. "That's what's going to cause your fucking trauma to get worse."

"Not if you stay with me?" Remus asked. Logan looked at Remus in shock.

"You serious?" He asked.

"We can board up the basement if it makes you feel safer?" Remus suggested.

"Remus what the fuck..." Logan shook his head. "This isn't...this isn't a good idea." Janus and Virgil both stopped talking and looked at Logan.

"Don't you fucking dare do this." Virgil immediately shook his head. "He needs you Logan!" Logan shook his head.

"No, no he doesn't." Logan backed away from them. "Just stay out of my life." Logan stormed off. As soon as he reached the locker room he collapsed to the ground crying.

"Good boy." Logan looked up at the man standing before him. "I'm very proud of that acting." He grabbed Logan by the neck and dragged him out of the school the back way.

"Let go of me you asshole!" Logan struggled against him.

"By now they probably saw the cameras, but you'll be gone before they even get here." He shoved Logan into the back of a van. He panicked and banged on the door.

"Let me out!"

"No can do, my boy cares a lot about you so you are our leverage against him." Logan sat back and wiped his face of tears. Fucking hell how is he going to explain this if he gets out of here?

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