Chapter 6

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" What are you all taking about" Byun cheng asked when he see his siblings talking to each other.

" Oh A-cheng, nothing important. We were just discussing about the twin jade's of lan" Taehyung said and byun cheng sat besides lisa.

" Twin jade's of lan?" He asked with raised eyebrow and they all nodded.

" Yeah, actually we find out that zewu jun has a younger brother, lan wangji, also known as hanguang jun. But he went to the village to inspect something that's why we didn't see him anywhere" Jungkook said and byun cheng heart flutters when he heard lan wangji name.

" You know, I heard that he is soooo handsome, and the lan members have a forehead ribbon. But the sect leader family wears a different type of ribbon than the disciples. But anyways back to tbe topic, I heard that he is soooo strong, handsome blah blah blah. Offff, I really want to meet him too" Jennie said and byun cheng slowly nodded. He suddenly stand up and they all look at him.

" I am going to inspect this place a little more, I will cone back soon, bye" He said and went to inspect the cloud recesses.

" What's written in there " Byun cheng asked himself when he look at the sign board. It has been 11 years since he had read or speak chinese.

" S-spring , cold........hoaff, forget about it" He said to himself and walk further, it was a mistake.

"Did I just seriously get lost here, ughhh, I hate this" Byun cheng groaned and pinch the bridge's of his nose in frustation.

" Where the hell I am " He asked to himself while looking around his surrounding. He was somewhere in the cloud recesses, it is cloud recesses isn't it? , there is a pound in front of him with a very very cold water.

" Seriously I haven't thought that this was going to be this hard, I think I have to study chinese again. Like seriously, how can I forget my own language" He snickered at himself.

" But, I have to admit it, this place really is so beautiful" He said and look around to admire the peaceful surrounding. And suddenly he squnit his eyes because he suddenly got a vision but it was so blury so he brush it off.

" Hmmmmm, what should I do, where the hell is the exit" He look around trying to find a way to get out of here. Even though he did not want to go from this beautiful place but he have to because his siblings will surely be looking for him.That's when he notice those stairs.

" Where does these stairs go. Should I go or not. Hmmmmm, I think I should go, maybe I can find someone there, yeah" He said and started to climb the stairs. When he reach at the top he walk a little further and many trees came in front of him.

" Huh, did I accidently come into a jungle. Can this day be more bad then it already is" He said while caressing his forehead. He went a little more further and stopped at his place.

He was thinking of something when something bumped into his leg. He looked down only to meet with a little rabbit there.

" Ohhh, hello there little one" Byun cheng said softly to tbe rabbit, that rabbit title his head and he was in aww 😍😍 at that sight. He gently sat down to not scare the rabbit. But to his surprise, when he sat down, the rabbit hopped on his lap and rub his face against his chest, like he was telling him to pet him.

" Awwwww, aren't you cute" Byun cheng squeal and pet the bunny and the bunny lean into his touch making byun cheng smile. He gently held the bunny into his arm and brush his nose against the bunny nose.

The bunny nose twich and he lick byun cheng cheek making his heart burst with the cuteness. Byun cheng has a soft spot for the animals. That's when he notice his surrounding. There were so many bunnies in front of him.

They all were crowding him and looking at him with interest. And then a pure white bunny comes in front of him and looking at byun cheng with those sparkling doe eyes, like he was begging him to pick him up.

" Awww, do you also want to come here" Byun cheng cooes the bunny and pick the bunny up and sat him gently on his lap. That bunny also rub his face in his chest and he looks so happy.

Byun cheng smile when he look at those two bunnies in his lap who were playing with each other, even though they don't want to get off from his lap. These two are soooo cute. He also notice that one of the rabbit in his lap has a brown spot on his ear which makes him more rare. All the bunnies all come closer and sat around him too.

Suddenly byun cheng close his eyes when his head started to hurt. This time he has a vision of a little boy, two boys actually, sitting in the same place where he is sitting now. Both of them had a bunny on there lap and they were playing with them.

Unknown to byun cheng, a person was looking at that scene from a little further. That person was being byun cheng but he was surprised to see that someone was sitting in the rabbit field. But more than that he was surprised because the rabbits were also sitting with him.

Usually those rabbits are scared of new person but looking at the scene in front of him, it looks like that the bunnies are not even scared to this person.

" What are you doing here" That person asked from behind him and Byun cheng frozen at his place. His heart beat started to increase and he feels so many butterflies in his stomach. What is happening to me ? He questioned himself.

Byun cheng has never felt this way but by this person voice, so many things are happening to him.

" Who are you" That person asked and Byun cheng takes a few deep breathes to calm down his racing heart. He gently put the rabbits down and stand up and turns around.

" My apologies for my rudeness gongzi. My name is Byun cheng, courtesy wanyin. I am from the Byun kingdom/sect from korea" He said and bowed to that person. But he frowns when he didn't get an answer.

Byun cheng straighten his body and look at that person only to find that person frozen in his place and looking at him with an intense gaze. Byun cheng breath hitches when he look at that person. There is only one word that can describe that person, drop dead gorgeous.

That man was wearing white clothes, which is very clean even though its white. He was tall, muscular, milky white skin, full plump red lips, handsome face and lastly his piercing yet beautiful golden eyes. Byun cheng gets lost while looking at those beautiful eyes. Those eyes are very familiar.

But then suddenly he look at that person forehead ribbon, that's when he realise that the person in front of him was none other than the second jade of lan, the youngest son the sect leader lan, younger brother of Lan xichen, the great hanguang jun ........
........... Lan Wangji.

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