Chapter 2

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11 years later


" Someone please help-"

"She is drowning-"

"P-pease 'sniff' s-save her-"

A beautiful boy around the age of 15 was running through the crowds of people. His beautiful long hairs were waving in the air, and the sunset light makes his face and hair more shiny. He went towards the shore where a crowd of people were gathered and jumped into the water.

People started screaming for him to come out of water. They all get scared when he didn't come out. But then, they all see a human figure rising up on the water. That boy come out from the water totally wet from head to toe with a small bundle in his arms.

" Young master Byun, take this" A panicked voiced said and put a towel on the boy body.

" Shhhhh, everything is ok little one " The boy softly said to the trembled puppy who licked his fingers in order to saying thank you making the boy laugh. He handed the puppy to the little girl who had tears in her eyes which soon filled with happiness.

" Thank you oppa" The little girl said making him smile. People were stunned by that boy beauty even though they are used to this beautiful boy but they still can't take there eyes off him.

" Your mother is going to scold you ,you know that right" Jinzhu said and that boy rub his neck nervously.

"BYUN WANYIN, WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING WHEN YOU JUMPED INTO THE RIVER FROM A HIGH PLACE" Yeah, that's his name, byun wanyin or byun cheng who was trying to not get caught by his mother.

" Ahahahaha, h-hello A-niang " Byun wanyin said nervously.

" The heck do you mean by hello. Why did you jump into the river" Byun ziyuan, the mother of the boy sternly asked with her arms around her waist .

" I can explain " He quickly said making his mother raised an eyebrow.

" You have ten seconds to explain " She said and crossed her arms around her chest and the boy nervously sweat and she narrowed her eyes.

" You can't ? Seriously what the hell were you thinking huh. I know that you are a very good swimmer BUT, that was such a high place. What if there was a rock under the water and you could gave hit your head. You might have bleed, fainted....." She continue her scolding.

"...." He just listen to his mother scolding him. The soliders near them were trying so hard to control there laughter. This was not new to them, there young master surely knows how to annoy his mother.

" But A-niang, a little puppy fell into tbe river. If I haven't jumped then she could have drowned" Byun wanyin pout making all of them awwww.

" Don't put that face in front of me. You could have wait for solider to save her but you just jumped into the water - " Two arms were wrapped around Byun ziyuan waist from behind making her stop talking. Byun wanyin sign in relief.

" Come on love, you know how A-cheng is, he loves dogs so much. You can scold him later. But first let him change his clothes, he is wet from heat to toe. Go and change your clothes A-cheng and come back for dinner" A sweet voice said and byun wanyin smile.

" Thanks eomma" He said and wink at her making her smile before he went to his bedroom.

" You always do this" Byun ziyuan said to her wife while shaking her head. Her wife Byun Alina chuckle and kiss her cheeks. ( Yeah, yu ziyuan is married to a girl, fight me if you have a problem. 😶 And also, I cant think of any korean name so please bear with Alina name 😅😅)

" Let him enjoy his teenager years. He is a energetic child, let him be himself" Byun Alina said and put her hand on her wife waist.

" Fine, but only this time" Ziyuan said making Alina smile and they both went to the dinning table where the food is already set. At the same time Byun wanyin or Byun cheng also comes there with dry clothes, his hair free from braids but still wet.

" Lets eat our food" Byun alina said and they all started eating the food while having a small talk. After the dinner was over they were sitting in the garden and Alina and byun cheng were having an conversation with there eyes making ziyuan raised her eyebrow.

" So, what's your plan for buttering me up my child" She said and they both awkwardly laugh.

" Hehehehe, A-niang, you know, hyungs and cousin are here, so we were planning to go to the marked. I promise we will come back very soon" He said with his cute large puppy like eyes.

" And you are very sure that I will allow that" Ziyuan asked with a frown.

" My sweet little A-niang loves me so muchhh right. Please A-niang" He baits his eyelashes making ziyuan groans and Alina laugh.

" What I am going to do with you huh" Ziyuan said while shaking her head.

" Go A-cheng, and say hi to your cousins from us and be back soon ok" Alina saud and byun cheng beamed and kiss both his mothers cheeks before running to the market.

" You are spoiling him" Ziyuan said and Alina put her head on her neck and place a kiss there making ziyuan blush and lightly slap her wife shoulder.

" Come on he is soooo cute. And besides , childerns are supposed to be spoiled. You are such a momma hen" Alina said and ziyuan glare at her.

"Did you just called me a hen" She asked with a challenging gaze making Alina smirk.

" What are you gonna do if I did,....... grandma " Alina saud before flewing away from the zidian.

" Come back here, you little shit" Ziyuan said and started chasing her wife. Tbe servents there laugh softly she looking at this scene. Both there sect leaders/Queens are so romantic and childish, they both love each other so much.

Ziyuan chase Alina to there bedroom and Alina close the door and pinned ziyuan to the door.

" My my, how beautiful my wife is. How did I get so much lucky to have you as my wife" Alina said in a low voice into her ear making ziyuan blush. Alina smiled and kissing her into the lips. This take ziyuan by surprise and Alina take advantage of this for sticking her tongue into her mouth. Ziyuan also comeback from her shock and started kissing Alina too. They both kiss each other passionately.

Alina put her arms around ziyuan waist and ziyuan put her hands around Alina neck and bring them closer to each other. Alina played with ziyuan tongue making her moan.

" Lets take this to the bed" Alina groans and carry ziyuan bridal way to there bed. 🤭🤭

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