Notable Personality
Hipparchus of Nicaea - the Father of Trigonometry
Matthew Fontaine Maury - the Father of Oceanography and Naval Meteorology
Aristotle - the Father of Zoology and Embryology; Logic and Biology; Taxonomy
Archimedes - the Father of Mathematics
Alexander Von Homboldt - Father of Ecology
Theophrastus - Father of Botany/Ecology
Socrates - Father of Ethics
Thales of Miletus - the Fathers of Ancient Greek Philosophy
Dimitri Mendeleev - Father of Periodic Table
Herophilus of Alexandria - Father of Anatomy
Hippocrates - Father of Modern Medicine; Father of Medicine3
Euclid - Father of Geometry
Herodutos - Father of History
Arbyabhata Hipparchus - Father of Trigonometry
Gregor Mendel - Father of Genetics
~Rev. Gregor Johann Mendel
William Bateson - Father of Genetics; Modern Genetics
Antoine Van Leeuwenhoek - Father of Microbiology
Santiago Ramon y Cajal - Father of Neuscience
Carolus Linnaeus - Father of Modern Taxonomy/ Modern Biology
Carl Alexander Neuberg - Father of Modern Biochemistry
Jabir Bin Hayyan - Father of Early Chemistry; Father of Chemistry
Antoine Lavoisier - Fahter of Modern Chemistry
Robert Boyle - Father of Modern Chemistry
Jons Berzelius - Father of Modern Chemistry
John Dallton - Father of Modern Chemistry
Alexander Fleming - the Father of Antibiotics
Edward Jenner - Father of Immunology
Louis Pasteur - Father of Modern Microbiology
Robert Koch - Father of Medical Microbiology; Bacteriology
W. M. Stanley - Father of Virology
Rudolf Virchow - Father of Modern Pathology
Ernst Von Baen - Father of Modern Embryology
Stephan Halls - Father of Physiology
Calude Bernard - Father of Modern Experimental Physiology
T. H. Morgan - Father of Experimental Genetics
Arachibald Garrod - Father of Human Genetics/ Biochemical Genetics
Dodge - Father of Haploid Genetics/ Neurospora Genetics
Ian Willmut - Father of Cloning
Grew - Father of Plant Anatomy
Malpighi - Father of Histology (Microscopic Anatomy)
Robert Hooke - Father of Cytology
Swanson - Father of Modern Cytology
Leonard Da Vinci - Father of Paleontology
Cuvier - Father of Modern Paleontology
Empedocles - Father of Concept of Evolution
Bauhin - Father of Modern Botany
Liebig - Father of Biochemistry
John Snow - Father of Epidemiology
de Bary - Father of Plant Pathology
Paul Berg - Father of Genetic Engineering
Anderson - Father of Gene Therapy
Konard Lorentz - Father of Ethology
Thomas Addison - Father of Endocrrinology
Galton - Father of Eugenics
Korenchevsk - Father of Gerantology
Erdtman - Father of Palynology
Hans Selye - Father of Stress Physiology
Einsthoven - Father of Electrocardiography
Alec Jeffrey - Father of DNA Fingerprinting
Michell - Father of Mycology
Hedwig - Father of Bryology
Lipman - Father of Phycology; Father of ATP Cycle
Herophilus - Father of Chemotherapy; Father of Anatomy
Andreas Vesalius - Father of Modern Anatomy
HJVS Muller - Father of Actino-biology/ radiation biology
Hahreman - Father of Homeopathy
Susruta - Father of Surgery and Plastic Surgery
William Harvey - Father of Blood Circulation
Landsteiner - Father of Bloof Group;
Jonas Sulk - Father of Polio Vaccine
Norman Borlaug - Father of Green Revolution
Albert Einstein - Father of Physics
Ronald Fisher - Father of Statistics
Benjamin Franklin - Father of Electricity
Vinton Cerf - Father of Internet
Adam Smith - Father of Economics
Thomas T. Goldsmith, Jr. - Father of Video Games
Imhotep - Father of Architecture
Richard Smalley - Father of Nanotechnology
Al-Jazari - Father of Robotics
Dennis Ritchie - Father of C Language
Tims Berners Lee - Father of World Wide Web
Alan Entage - Father of Search Engine
Samuel Hahremann - Father of Homeopathy
Cicero - Father of Law
Non-FictionIt is a reviewer for those aspiring teachers, I hope it helps a lot. It is a compilation of many reviewers I read and compiled for the licensure examination.