Social Science 4

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Law and General Facts

Sahara - largest desert

Calamba, Laguna - the birthplace of Rizal

Writ of Amparo - right to life, liberty, and security

Writ of Habeas Corpus - demand presence of the accuse

Law of Bicameralism - Jones Law

362, 880 - per mutation 9pg

14.5 - 14.35 - Absolute mean

Maslow - Hierarchy of Needs Proponent

Hinduism - Oldest religion in Asia

90 days - enrolled bills becomes a law

Lapse - 30 days

Umalokohan - town criers

Favoritism - negative effect of extended family

Union Obrera Demokratika - first labor union in the Phil.

Philippine Independent Church - the only remnant of WWII

Philippines - Pearl of the Orient; comprises of 7,107 islands

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