viii. when in russia

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chapter eight . . .

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. . . when in russia

ELEANOR had never been to Russia before but so far; she has concluded that it was cold. Though she hadn't seen much of the country as once she got off the jet she was shoved in the back of a truck between Erik and Charles, and a few men with guns, with Moira and some other guy sat at the front.

The trio sat at the front of the back of the truck, their backs leaning against the hidden door they opened to the cab of the truck. Eleanor and Charles were telling Erik how the two had become friends before there was a knock on the wall they were leaning against.

"We have a problem." The driver told them once they opened the small door.

"What?" Charles called back to the man.

"I'm so sorry. This wasn't on the map." Moira called back to them. Eleanor looked past the other woman and saw that there was a checkpoint in front of them, as they drove through the wooded area.

"No matter what happens, act normally. I'll take care of this, all right." Charles told the group, before he closed the door and the three turned back to face the back of the truck. "Listen to me." He turned to the soldiers in the truck with them. "Whoa, whoa. Easy. Easy. Take it easy, chaps." He instructed as they all pointed their guns towards the end of the truck. The back door of the truck was flung open to show the man that was driving the truck and a soldier, and even though the truck was filled with people ━━ and soldiers pointing guns at them ━━ all they saw was an empty truck thanks to Charles' mutation.

And though Eleanor trusted Charles' and his ability, she couldn't help the anxiety that filled her and grabbed Erik's hand beside her. The two people outside the truck shared a few words in Russian before the doors were shut again, and Eleanor let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Good job, Charles." Eleanor shot her friend a smile and interlocked her free hand with his, as the truck started moving once again.

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Eleanor laid on the floor between Moira and Charles as the five of them laid on their stomach and looked through binoculars, hoping to see Shaw. They watched as a helicopter flew in but only a woman got out and walked past the guards, before the helicopter flew off.

"Where's Shaw?" Erik asked, as they were all surprised to not see the mutant.

"I don't know." Charles answered as Eleanor looked back through the binoculars, watching the women walk towards a man. "But if she's a telepath and I read her, she'll know we're here." Charles told them all.

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