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Unseen fear.

Under the blue sky, the street was filled with people. Everything was peaceful until we heard a scream from a woman.

"Yah!!" A lady shouted after a man dressed in black stole her handbag.

The man started to run away as the lady tried to follow him but she was wearing a pair of a blue stiletto.

"Please help me!!" She yelled toward the people around her including me.

The men that were kind helped her to chase the thief.

"Stop running!" They managed to touch the shoulder of the thief as they grabbed him vigorously.

The thief turned around and resisted them.

"Don't touch me." He said calmly and glared at them who stopped their movement.

"You will regret." He warned them before he began to run away again.

For sure, they will not listen to him as they grabbed him once more before they tried to push him against the wall so that he will stop moving.

Things don't happen in the way they wanted. In an instant, their feet didn't touch the ground as if they are floating on a sea.

"I said you will regret." The iris of the thief changed from black to red. 

"Just go and die!" He shouted with all the strength he had.

The men fell from the air to the hard ground which caused them to groan in pain.

The people that witnessed the scene were gasping in surprise except me.

I am used to it.

The thief was looking around as all of the people stopped their movement.

They were not moving include the falling leaves that paused in the air.

A small smile formed on my lips before I turned around to reveal my face to him. He felt surprised and flustered.

"I stopped the time." I took small steps as I'm walking toward him slowly and steadily.

"Only those who have extraordinary power will not be affected by it." I spoke in a calm tone.

His confused eyes turned into a glare.

"Are you a deity?" His head tilted as he didn't break the eye contact.

I didn't answer his question because it was unnecessary.

"You are an evil spirit." This was the important thing that he needed to know.

His eyes opened wide as he was going to run away again but he could not do that anymore because I am here.

I stared at him and called his name.

"Come here, Park Jimin." He was getting closer to me by force.

His unwilling expression caused my lips to curve.

Putting my right hand on his head, I gave him a small smile. He looked terrified.

"Who told you to escape from the underworld and went into this innocent human's body?" I asked.

Actually, it was more like I was telling him what did he did wrong instead of asking him. I used my strength to push his head down.

His suffering and unsatisfied expression made me grin softly again before I said.


The falling leaves have touched the ground. People started to move around like nothing has happened. I am the only one who knew what happened.

I am a deity.

I was here to capture the evil spirits that have escaped from the underworld. Park Jimin was one of them. So far, I caught 567 of them.

One more left to mission accomplished.

I have stayed in this world for 7 months already. I needed to live like a human so I worked as a full-time employee in BTS coffee shop.

I am a 24 years old woman here but in my world, I probably aged more than 100 years old.

"Jungkook," I answered the call from my boyfriend who I have been dating for 5 months.

I have been deceiving him for 5 months too. He didn't know my real identity.

It wasn't my intention to fall in love with him while doing my mission. He made me felt something I never experienced before.

I wanted to stay with him. I wanted to spend my entire life with him. I needed him in my life. That's when I did something I should not.

He will always visit the BTS coffee shop to buy beverages and that's how we met before we got closer and became a couple.

"I am going back home right now so you don't need to pick me up." He worked as a manager in a game company.

"Don't worry, I will call you if anything happens to me. I promise you." I was grinning widely due to his caring attitude.

It felt good to love someone and to be loved. At the same time, I am afraid of the consequences.

There was a deity called Kim Namjoon. He was responsible for overseeing the deities that needed to complete their mission in this world.

If we did something that was against the rules, we will be punished. Also, there was a different type of punishments.

The worst one will be disappearing in our world and we will not exist again.

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