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Revealed truth.

"It has been a while, Y/n."

Namjoon was still keeping his sincere smile to me who was having a shocked face.

I know I will meet him someday but I didn't expect it to be right now.

"First of all, congratulations for completed your mission. Thank you for your hard work, Y/n." He spoke professionally as he placed his hands on his back.

I licked my lips because of nervousness.

"Second," My heart skipped a beat when he said that. Is it about me and Jungkook?

"I suggest you think about it deeply before you make a decision. Either you will stay with him or you will come with me, back to your world." He spoke calmly.

He knew about it.

"I know a lot of things. You can assume I know everything. Sometimes, I just pretend to be clueless, Y/n." He stated.

"If you choose to follow me, it doesn't mean that you will not receive punishment because after all, you still did something wrong."

His dimples revealed themselves again.

"I will meet you again tomorrow."

He disappeared from my sight after he left the message to me. I will have to give him an answer before we meet again.

Right now, I have to tell the truth to Jungkook. It is time to do so and his reaction will determine my choice.

After we had our dinner, both of us were cleaning the dishes. Although I told him that I will do it alone, he will still help me with it without any complaint.

"Is there something that is bothering you?" Jungkook asked in a soft tone. He probably noticed it by observing me.

"Let's have a talk later." I glanced at him while giving him a small smile before I proceeded on washing the last dish.

"Sure." He replied as he was staring at me with concern.

Both of us wiped our wet hands and we went to the living room to have a talk.

We sat next to each other quietly as I went closer to him to give him a warm and tight hug.

It may be the last hug we shared.

He stayed silent as if he was waiting for me to speak while hugging me back softly.

With the same position, we stayed like this for approximately 5 minutes.

"I love you, Jungkook." I gave him a sudden confession before I pushed him away slightly to kiss his soft lips.

I pulled away when he was about to respond to my kiss.

This might be our last kiss.

"I am a deity." I saw his eyes opened wide for a few seconds and he spoke.

"I am an angel, your guardian angel." His lips curved as a smile formed on his face.

He thought I was joking around.

"Look carefully." I raised my left hand to the level of my chests. In an instant, my phone that was on the table beside us changed its location as it was now on my left hand.

His eyes opened wide again and he was stunned. I waited for his response as he blinked before he said.

"You have learnt about magic? Woah, it was amazing, Y/n." He clapped his hands while grinning widely.

I grabbed his hands to stop his movement.

"I am a deity, Jungkook. I am not lying right now but I have been deceiving you for more than 5 months. I am not a human."

A knife replaced my phone as I held it tightly before I cut my arm.

He was startled at my action as he wanted to stop me but he was shocked to see the wound disappeared in a few seconds. His confused eyes met mine.

"You are really a deity? Then, why are you here?" He questioned and patiently waited for my answer even though he was not calm at this moment.

"I was here to complete a mission and I completed the mission a few hours ago. A deity who was responsible for overseeing the deities has come to meet with me just now." I stated.

"He wanted me to make a decision. Either stay with you or go back to my world." I gazed at his concerned eyes as I continued.

"Do you still want to be with me?" I questioned.

I want to fight for us even though I was afraid of the punishment I will receive because his love for me gave me the courage to do so.

His love was my oxygen.

Jungkook was paused and he looked down, avoiding my gaze. It seems like I will get an answer that will break my heart.

The silent atmosphere remained for a moment.

"I was kind of mad at you for lying to me."

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