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Forgive and forget.

"I was kind of mad at you for lying to me." He shifted his gaze to me. It was obvious that he was hurting.

"But I was glad that you did so because if you didn't, we might not become a couple." He smiled softly.

"Right now, I only know I love you and I don't mind your real identity because I have fallen for you, Y/n." His warm hands covered mine as he stroke it gently.

"I have told you my answer and what is yours?" He asked.

"I will stay with you, Jungkook. I love you so much that I needed you in my life. Thank you for accepting me and loving me." I embraced him warmly as his arms wrapped around me.

"Loving you is something that I will never regret. Thank you for staying by my side and gave joy to me. I love you, Y/n." He cupped my cheeks in his big hands before he left a soft kiss on my forehead.

"If there is next life, I will still be with you. If next life doesn't exist, I will be with you in this life. I love you, Jungkook." I giggled and returned the kiss to him.

We are grinning widely until he asked me a question.

"Will you get a punishment? All of us know a deity and a human should not involve in a romantic relationship. I was worried." His soft gaze fixed on mine.

"For sure, I will receive punishment but what kinds of punishment will it be, I am not sure about it." I told him the different type of punishment that I knew.

His worried face didn't go away and I knew what he was going to say. He was planning to tell me to go back to my world then the punishment might not be that cruel.

I placed my index finger against his lips to stop him from saying it.

"Let's go through it together. Your love for me gave me the courage to do so. Please, Jungkook. Don't push me away. I want to stay with you." I continued.

"This is my choice."

The day arrived. Namjoon will visit me again as I was waiting for him to appear while working in the coffee shop.

There are only a few customers in the shop.

"Welcome." The staff including me greeted the customer that came inside just now.

He lowered his body to pick up a tissue that was on the floor.

After that, he threw the tissue into the dustbin. A kind human. I wasn't able to see his face but his figure looked familiar.

I shifted my gaze to the screen, waiting for him to approach me and place his order as he did.

"Can I have a cold mango juice?" Namjoon's lips curved as his dimples were visible.

I pretend to be calm and did my work like usual.

"Please wait for a moment, your drink is being prepared." I spoke politely, giving him a small smile while he returned the smile to me.

"Do you know why did I order juice instead of coffee in a coffee shop?" He asked.

So there was a reason why he did that. I shook my head as my response.

The sound of the machines running has stopped. I turned around and scanned it. The staff and the customers were not moving.

He stopped the time.

"You are a deity and you have fallen in love with a human. Two different identities just like coffee and juice even though they belong to the same category."

He sounded like he already knew my decision. I got the confirmation when he nodded his head.

Deities can read mind and his level was above me so I wasn't able to do that to him but he can.

"I respect your decision and good luck." With that, he vanished and everything went back to normal. I sighed quietly.

Which type of punishment I will receive?

"A cold mango juice." One of the staff placed the drink on the counter for the customers to pick up their ordered drinks.

She looked around and no one came in front to take it. Another staff approached her and said.

"Why did you prepare it? No one orders it."

"Accept my love." Jungkook feed me a small part of the cake we were sharing.

A slice of chocolate cheesecake.

"Your love accepted." I giggled while chewing slowly.

It was sweet but he was sweeter. I did the same to him as he responded in the same way.

We enjoyed our teatime and we left the restaurant. The evening breeze caressed our skins as we felt the warmth of the sun.

Both of us walked toward the zebra crossing as we need to cross the road to the other side. His car located in that area.

The green light changed into red light which indicated the vehicles will need to stop their movement as they did.

"Wait for me." Jungkook let go of my hand before he ran to the other side.

I obeyed him and stayed at the same place while observing his movement.

Once he reached there, he ran toward a young boy that was selling flowers. He took out some money and grabbed one of it.

He brought it for me.

My heart beat very quickly and I felt the blood rushed to my cheeks. How can I not be in this state when he is that sweet and romantic?

This time, the traffic light showed green light as the vehicles started to move again. The car was passing between us but our gazes fixed on each other.

We shared smiles and I stepped on the ground a few times. I was feeling impatient. I wanted to hug him tightly when we meet later.

He copied my action and we chuckled at the same time. Our distances are far away from one another but both of our hearts are close to each other.

Soon, the red light replaced the green light to shine. Finally, I walked at a fast pace toward him who was doing the same.

A driver of a car sounded the horn and I turned to my left side. The car was driving toward me as if it didn't plan on stopping.

"Be careful!!"

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