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As I was going back and editing this, I realized just how much detail I wanted to add in the first time but didn't because I didn't have the knowledge of nurses and doctors. I was kind of embarrassed to write a book about a woman learning how to be a nurse in the apocalypse when I know absolutely nothing about medicine. But every time I think about this book, Julia is a nurse through and through. I don't know what to do.

Regardless, enjoy, guys!!!

Regardless, enjoy, guys!!!

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Edited 2/28/24

Julia didn't get to meet the man they had brought back from the city, despite her curiosity. Ollie had become tired before she had the opportunity to meet the marvel himself. He fussed all night long until daylight, leaving mom fatigued. As she struggled to keep her eyes open, dark bags formed beneath them. Julia, with her untidy hair and tired countenance, meandered through the day like she was in a trance. Her normally bright eyes were dull and glazed over, reflecting the toll the restless night had put on her.

"Take a look at those vultures, yep, strip it till it's clean!" Glenn grumbled, standing beside her with his arms crossed tightly. He glared as Dale and Jim took apart the red sports car he had brought back from the city. She smirked at hearing him whine, it reminded her of the younger days in the Rhee family. She gave Glenn an amused look with raised eyebrows before turning her attention back to the dismantling of the car.

"At least I thought I'd get to drive it for a few more days."

The sound of gravel crunching beneath someone's feet approached from behind her. Julia craned her neck slightly to catch a glimpse of Rick strolling up next to Glenn. She grimaced at how unkempt she felt, but still managed to give him a warm smile and push back a few loose curls. She had spotted him wandering freely around the camp earlier. He looked good after getting cleaned up, though she was a little sad to see his nice stubble go. His shirt was crisp white and his jeans faded, much better than the dirty cop uniform. Getting closer, she could see that his eyes were a striking shade of blue.

"Maybe we'll get to steal another one someday," Rick chimed in with a mischievous grin, his eyes sparkling with humor. Julia couldn't help but chuckle at his playful remark, appreciating his light-hearted demeanor.

"Hey, Rick. Meet my sister-in-law, Julia." Glenn pointed toward her. Little lines formed around her eyes as she smiled warmly. She made her way quickly over to him and held out her hand. He took hold of her hand firmly and gave her a courteous nod. For a brief moment, his captivating blue eyes locked together, and she felt a shiver in his icy stare. Her handshake was firm yet gentle, and her fingertips felt soft against his skin. Her smile seemed genuine, and Rick could tell there was a kindness about her that was endearing.

Ollie wiggled in his mom's arms, kicking his feet, clapping his tiny hands together and babbling out nonsensical words. He liked meeting new people and was already trying to charm the stranger with his adorable antics.

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