A new journey

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Just as aizawa was being smashed into the pavement, izuku thought to himself 'wow. I've dedicated my entire life to being a hero. Every hour of free time and many hours were he was supposed to be doing his schoolwork. How much of his life has he wasted. Some of it paid off, yeah, but why would an analysis of a snail help him be a hero. I've should go help mr aizawa shouldnt I?'

After some long hours of tirering questioning from police, heroes and his mother. that Last one took really long, izuku was free finally free to contemplate his life.

Booting up his computer he was free to search up for some options for hobbies on tootle. "Arts and crafts sound like fun. Wood works sound too much like, well, work. Pottery too. They also take way too many materials."

"Mmmmm dance? Well there is a new, ish dance studio down the road. It used to be the town hall but they moved onto bigger things now."

"Yeah. Yeah, that could work! It would help with dexterity, coordination and balance! Now. Does it cost anything?"

A quick search answered his questions. "Hmmm. 2000 yen for an entire month! Not bad. not bad at all."


"This place really doesn't look like much from the outside."
"I heard that kid." a 30 year old looking lady said from behind midoriya, ignoring his small 'totally not a shriek, shriek'.
"Well kid what do you want?"
"Oh, uh , um"
"I WAnt to dance!" He started to shout but realised he was in the middle of the street

"I may be getting old but I'm not old enough for hearing loss idiot."
"Anyway if you want to dance follow me."
"Ok miss...?"
"Tokuho. Kazuma Tokuho."
"Ok miss tokuho"
Making they're way up some stairs with some photos and awards on the otherwise plain white walls. They reached the top and passed through a large dance studio looking old but renovated to fit a dance studio.

 They reached the top and passed through a large dance studio looking old but renovated to fit a dance studio

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Passing along the side izuku couldnt help but look at himself and Azumo. He look better that he usually would because he wanted to make some good first impressions.

He wore a brown skirt with a grey shirt tucked in making his legs look very strong. He wore long small heeled boots hiding his defined legs shapes. It made him look cute and it was easy to move in so it got the good tick from his mother.

he has to show her his outfits before he leaves the house. It's so he doesn't wear those shirts that "just say shirt on the front".

His wardrobe is alot bigger than it was 2 years ago.

Azuma Tokuho was wearing form fitting Jean's and a simple large light blue shirt. She looked kind of tired but it was well concealed with makeup and an aura of confidence.

When they passed the long mirror, it spanned the entire length of the wall, the passed a small corridor and into a old office.

When they passed the long mirror, it spanned the entire length of the wall, the passed a small corridor and into a old office

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"Sorry its messy, I haven't had enough time to sort it out."
"No, No. It's fine."
"Alright kid. For under 16's its 5000 yen a month for 1 session a week. For 16's and over it's either 2000 yen a month for 4 sessions a week or 3500 yen to come in any day you want. Well at least when I'm here."

"Can I pay for the 3500 yen option? And do you take card?"
" can pay by card, yeah. It's a pay as you go thing. But, are you sure you want the more expensive option?"

"Ok kid. I just need to ask a couple questions."
"That's fine."
"Good. Good. Now, what is your name?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm izuku midoriya."

Grabbing his outstretched hand she shook his surprisingly strong grip.

"Ok next. Do you have any medical issues that would or could be problems?"
"Not at the moment. No."

"What style of dance do you want to do?"
"I really like breakdancing and I dont mind trying any type of dance. Though I wont do the type of dance that ballerinas do. I'd rather keep my toes thank you very much."

"Amen to that. Tried it once and almost broke my foot."izuku and azuma wincing at all the right parts for someone who broke a bone.

"What is you phone number?"
"Its +xx xxxx xxxxxx."

"Ok! That's it for the questions! If you want to start learning from me, personally arrive here tomorrow with some dance clothes and water bottles.
Dance clothes can be jogger bottoms or yoga pants. Really anything that is easy to move in."
"Ok thank for letting me learn here." Izuku was trying blind azumo with his smile it seemed.
"Yeah kid no problem."azumo stood up from her chair and started to walk out.
"Cmon kid I'll walk you out"
"Oh! You dont have to!"
"Nah it's fine."
"Ok then."

Walking out midoriya was too engrossed in his phone telling his mother what he did. If he looked up he would see a familiar face looking at him in surprise.

After midoriya left mina bound up to her sensei azumo and barraged her with questions to fast for her to answer

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After midoriya left mina bound up to her sensei azumo and barraged her with questions to fast for her to answer.
"Was that midori? What's he doing here? Why was he wearing a skirt? Are you gonna teach him?"

Sighing at the pink girls barrage of questions she still answered them.
"The kids name was izuku midoriya. He wants to dance. And he was wearing a skirt because I guess he likes it? Also I'm only gonna teach him if he want me to."

After an hour of leaning a new move and general practice azuma made mina go home.

Izuku was having dinner with his mother and was talking about what happened.

"The room was massive too! It has massive windows, massive mirrors, massive floor...."

Whilst izuku went on about how big and cool the building was inko was relieved that izuku finally had some more hobbies. It also gave him an opportunity to make more friends. Something that she knew he needed.

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