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"Hahaha. Ok midoriya I'm going to be strait up."

Izuku was having the start of a mental breakdown. Or, at least what he felt like one. Hed had those. Not good. Her laugh was to awesome. Sure it was short but he really loved it! Already! He really needs to adopt a emo lifestyle and hide in a dome of band posters to hide his flushed cheeks and emotions.

"I'm was bored today and really wanted to do some accessory shopping so will you do it with me!"

It was said very fast, and she was half squeaking half shouting by the end of it, but with izukus years of muttering he could understand what she was saying. A but too easily if he was being honest.

The only problem being, is that he thought he misheard her. His self confidence wasn't always the going to be like bakugous no matter how many skirts he wore.

"S-sorry what did you say?"
"That, I uh, want to hang out with you?"
"But. What?"
"I want to go shopping with you?"
"Um, ok."
"You dont have to, you know."
" yeah I know. I was just really surprised. I only go shopping with mina."
"Mina? That seems like an unlikely pairing."

And was how midoriya spent the next two hours talking and doing a short shopping trip.

Jirou learnt that midoriya liked wearing skirts and accessories even though they're normally for girls. Midoriya learnt that jirou would probably never wear a skirt unless it was black or has black as a main element. And that she liked to sing.

All in all it was a very exciting day for midoriya. He has two friends that aren't just in school.

"So izuku, do you mind telling me why you were learning to skateboard."

They had eventually started calling each other by their first names because they were better friends now. The question had come from izuku telling kyoka how he only just started learning skateboarding.

"Oh. I just really wanted to learn some new things. I've always hyperfixated on heroes. I kind of forgot how big and culturally diverse the world actually is.
I started with dance as you know and wanted to start with skating too"

Midoriya said while holding the skateboard up are the end

"That's really nice. Are you planning to do anything else?"
"Yeah. I really want to learn an instrument and sing."

Izuku carried on missing kyoka gain a happier face.

"I also want to learn parkour. It would help with my quirk"
"Well, I don't know anything about parkour but I can help with singing and playing an instrument."

Izuku shouted with a massive grin stretching across his face. Kyoka had to admire how much happier the world seemed after seeing his face like that. All sunshine and rainbows.


After a while of hanging out with mina and kyoka Seperatly he finally managed to build up the courage to ask them to a group chat and hanging out at a local concert.

Izuku started to develop diffrent tastes in music when told to research by kyoka. It was so he could decide what he would like to play.

Apparently he had a very wide taste in music and could enjoy almost every song that has lyrics. At least he wouldnt argue in music tastes with kyoka. She was apparently quite relieved about that.

Unfortunately the sports festival was close so izuku and kyoka would have to postpone their lessons until after.


The sports festival went relatively the same. The only difference of mina and kyoka being oddly supportive of izuku. To everyone else they barely talked let alone be friends.

A couple weeks after the sports festival izuku mina and kyoka fell into a routine.

On Monday mina and izuku would do some light dancing and just go home after. They just wanted to hang out and relax on Monday.

On Tuesday and Wednesday kyoka and izuku practiced singing and instruments. Though mainly the guitar and keyboard.

Mina liked to hang out with them on these days due to boredom. There was alot of hijinks because of it. Like that time izuku laughed while drinking making him snort water on accident.

Thursday was for skating, something he was almost always alone with. Only when kyoka or mina came with him was he not alone. They didn't have skateboards so they couldnt skate with him.

Friday he would dance for literal hours. Be it on routines or muscle memory training, he would work hard that day.

On the weekend they would all hang out together. Either having a jam session or shopping they were having fun. The only exception was on Saturday nights when izuku would start to learn, and later excel at, parkour.

They would even have sleepovers at each others houses.they didn't know it but there mothers had a bet going on what would happen with there relationship.

Izukus mother thinks that they would get together by the end of first year.

Kyokas mother thinks that izuku will get with another girl in third year and have the others as best friends.

Minas mother thinks they will eventually all get together in second year.

They even had their own group chat to help with plans and schedules. They just hope everyone would be better at the finish line than the starting line.

It was all going great until the summer training camp.

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