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It was a regular Tuesday with mina and kyoka. Izuku had made it his goal to be as comfortable with them out of school as possible. It had been going well. He wouldn't blush when they accidentally touched and he could dance as if mina wasn't watching him.

It was just izuku playing guitar but kyoka was pointing out missed chordes or notes. Mina was just vibing to the music on kyokas bean bag next to the bed.

On the bed sitting crossed legged, kyoka was leaning on the backboard looking at izuku imitating the kind of dosed off look that mina had been sporting for a while.


The sudden shout startled mina and kyoka from their positions just in time to see izukus mop off hair falling to the floor.

Izuku quickly recovered from his fall only to see mina start to giggle.

"Hey! Don't laugh! That really hurt my butt!"

This of course set of kyoka and off and sent mina holding onto her stomach with laughter.

Izuku could only pout at them from the floor making mina and kyoka completely loose it for about 5 minutes.

After about 10 minutes when kyoka could speak without stopping to laugh she asked, "why did you even fall?" Allthough she did start giggling with mina once she said it, izuku still answered.

"I thought I saw a spider, I was wrong,"he corrected seeing they had sobed up and started to frantically look around. Reliving them alot."and I got scared. I tried to jump away but my feet were tangled in these stupid blankets."he finished saying his story with a hop back onto the bed.

This again set them off completely and it took 20 minuets before kyoka could help teach izuku guitar.


It was just a regular Monday for izuku but mina and kyoka were practically vibrating through school and at the dance studio. It usually took 30 minutes more for izuku to go to his house and then to the dance studio.

When he arrived at the studio it was clear of all objects. They were neatly stacked in a corner at the back of the room.

There was also mina and kyoka shouting at him that he took too long.

"I was late. But I got here at the usual time?"

"Yhea! We know! But it just took so long and I want to see you on th-"

"Come on kid you gotta get changed! We're getting you on a pole today."


"A pole. Most people call it a stripper pole though." Izukus teacher asks him with a huge grin on her face.

Izuku headed to the changing room with a surprised face. Ashido was a little disappointed there was no blushing but it was still fun seeing his surprise

After 2 minuets into getting changed izuku snapped out of his shock and blushed strawberry red all across his face. He sat down trying to process what was happening.

After a couple of minutes of contemplation he decided he might as well get this over with. It would be much better to see excited mina and kyoka than disappointed mina and kyoka. Plus theyed probably make him belt out his heart out on top the top of the building as payback. Izuku didn't want that.

He didn't know alot about dancing on poles but he knew he needed to have skin contact to stick to the pole. Knowing this he put on the extra pair of shorts he brought incase his other close got dirty.

"You look so cuuuuute!"

Dekus head rose from were he was trying to stare at his feet to see mina leaning against a stripper pole that had somehow folded from the ceiling and attached to the floor.

"Oh no."

"Come on midori! You'll love it! Plus we've been waiting for this for a week!"

Mina shouted at midoriya whilst pushing him towards the pole, suspiciously placed in the center of the room, midoriya thought.

"Hey, wait a minute. What do you mean you've been waiting all week!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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