first day

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It was finally the next day. Midoriya was probably too excited in the morning. He figured this out when he accidentally threw his bag over his shoulder too hard. It hit the wall causing all the pictures to be angled wrong. It took him 5 minutes to readjust the pictures and actually get out the house.

It was finally after school something that took way to long in his opinion. It was cool that it was taught by pro heros but it wore off pretty quickly.

Midoriya quickly made his way back home to get changed.

Midoriya couldnt show his mom this outfit but he was told it would work

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Midoriya couldnt show his mom this outfit but he was told it would work. This ment he was confident that he could wear it even with a nice duffel bag. He filled it with a plain white towel, some dark green joggers and a large bottle filled with iced tea.

Making his way outside midoriya looks at his phone seeing it would take 15 minutes to walk there

"Maybe I should learn to skate or something? It would certainly make this easier. Kacchan has an kinda old one he doesn't use anymore."

When he got to the door of the dance studio he realised there was no way of telling if miss kazuma was there at all.

"Well, no time like the present."

Midoriya pressed on the door and it slowly pushed open. He walked up the stairs becoming relieved at the sound of hip hop.

"I-is. Is t-that a-a-ashido?!"
"MIDORI! I knew it was you yesterday!"
"Y-you were h-here?!"
"Yeah! I was-"
"Calm down. Calm down."
"Stop scaring me like that!"
"I dont really care how scared you get, its midoriya's first day here so he needs to get changed. we need to teach him to warm up properly."
"Ok, go, go, midoriya! I want to dance with you!"
"Hahahaha. Ok ashido!"
"Just call me mina!"
"Just go change already!"

Mina was extremely happy that midoriya came to her dance studio. In fact she was scared that she couldnt make any friends. She was the only one with the 3500 yen pack so it was only her an miss kazuma, now that midori was here she could dance with him.

"Who knew that midori had fashion sense! And wanted to dance!"
"I wouldnt know kid. I only met him yesterday."
"Yeah. Saw him at the door and brought him in. He got the 3500 yen pack so I think hes either devoted to learning or has a chaotic schedule."
"I dont think he has a chaotic schedule, just a packed one."

Midoriya in the mens changing room had the same type of thought process as mina. He hoped that there would be some people that he could be friends with. With mina there he could become friends with her.

He quickly got changed exiting the changing room as ahidos and kazuma finished their conversation.(not in the pose)

"What the hell kid! Where the hell were you hiding those muscles!""Y-yeah"mina wasn't one to stutter normally but with midoriya casually flexing on her with a 6 pack, that was almost an 8 pack, she was more than a little flustered

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"What the hell kid! Where the hell were you hiding those muscles!"
"Y-yeah"mina wasn't one to stutter normally but with midoriya casually flexing on her with a 6 pack, that was almost an 8 pack, she was more than a little flustered.
"Mm? Oh. I dont really think about it that much. My clothes usually only show muscles that are long and dont have strong muscle lines."
"Well I think all you muscle lines are strong midori!"*wink*
"O-oh. Erm, th-thanks mina"

"Ugh. Kids, please. I dont need any of that. Especially when we get to the poles."
"Poles?!"midoriyas voice coming out more like a squeak than any normal sentence.
"You said you'll do any type of dance didn't you? Last I recall pole dancing is a type of dancing. Is it not?"
"Y-y-y-y-y" midoriya would answer if he could but considering he was the living embodiment of a strawberry at the moment, Well he wasn't going to.

When he wore a skirt out he almost constantly had a light blush on his face. It was his mothers scheam to build up more self confidence and for him to get him proper clothes.

"Well let's go past that and teach you to stretch properly midori!"
"Uh, y-yeah. Let's do that."

After two hours midoriya, ashido and kazuma where positively soaked in sweat. Midoriya was a fast learner though so he managed an un-aided backflip and managed to fall on his face 23 different times. Mina counted, because of course she did.mina also showed off for 10 minutes at the start.

Mina was much closer to midoriya. They even made a plan for the next day to go shopping.

Midoriya figured out the proper lessons were an hour long on mondays, wednesdays and fridays. He was going to to attend those as well as Thursdays with mina. Kazuma said he could come in at any time during the weekend as long as he puts everything back where he found it.

After he went back to the changing room he quickly hopped into the shower. Miss kazuma told him it was there, he just didn't notice it before because it was at the back. It was there so if a someone walked in the first thing they would see was just lockers and hangers.

When he left izuku felt refreshed and ready for more. It was a problem however because he was supposed to be home in a few hours and he already had done alot.

'What if I rob kacchan? Wow, that was an intrusive thought. Buuuuut he does have that spare skate board. Should I? Should I not?'

Izuku stood just to the left of the bakugou residence trying to look over the wall/fence/hedge into their garden to see the garden. He slowly made his way round the back trying to peak over or through. When he finally got to the back gate he quietly opened the gate.

Making his way to the shed midoriya remembed that kacchan kept his old stuff in a big box next to the shed.

"I hope you wont miss this kacchan."

Opening the box midoriya quickly grabbed the skateboard from underneath a scorched and deflated basketball. He than quickly ran back towards the gate whilst shoving the skateboard into his duffel bag.


Midoriya sped up to unnatural speeds running to get out of the garden and Instead of pulling open the gate he completely cleared it. Landing on the other side midoriya ran home as fast as he could, significantly slower from before.

When midoriya came home he was met to inko's dinner, compliments on his outfit and a crazy story about someone only stealing a skateboard from the bakugous. Not necessarily in that order.

Izuku flopped down onto the bed imitating jelly to his best ability.

"Today was crazy!"

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