Brave New World

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"screw pretty. i'd rather be strong. pretty fades over time. strength gets you through the bad shit." - Thea Harrison

" - Thea Harrison

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She could feel cold fingers gliding over her arm in gentle repetitive strokes

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She could feel cold fingers gliding over her arm in gentle repetitive strokes. Shrugging her shoulder, she turned to the side to escape, hearing a soft chuckle, before a face nuzzled into the crook of her neck. "Good morning Angel," he whispered.

"G'morning," muttered the girl in reply, turning to look at him. His icy eyes were gazing at her face, a soft smile on his.

"What?" She asked sleepily.

"What, what?" He repeated, smile widening.

"You're staring."

"I thought we'd already established that it's 'gazing' and that it's the height of romance."

Snorting, she giggled, "Alright Ace."

Looking at him, she noticed the he was fully dressed, "Where are you going?"

"Carol Lockwood has demanded a meeting, and as much as I want to skip it, I can't." He muttered.

"Nooo," she whined slightly, before snuggling into his chest, face against his heartbeat, "Stay here with me. We can cuddle until I fall back asleep."

His hand began carding through her hair softly, brushing the strands away from her face, "Unfortunately, your phone's been going off for the past half-hour. Apparently you're needed at school, something to do with a carnival."

Shooting up, she gasped in surprise, "Shit! The carnival prep, I completely forgot! Care's going to eat my liver for breakfast if I don't help out." Rolling out of bed, she ran to the closet and began pulling her clothes on hastily.

He was watching and laughing, amused at her forgetfulness. As she quickly pulled on her shirt, she looked around the room in confusion, "Where are my boots?" She asked.

Still laughing slightly, he answered, "Downstairs. You'd taken them off before your little confrontation with Katherine."

Nodding, she ran out the door with a quick "Goodbye," before running back in again.

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