Memory Lane

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"you should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how." - Margaret Mitchell

" - Margaret Mitchell

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TW: this chapter contains explicit sexual content

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TW: this chapter contains explicit sexual content. Beginning and end will be marked by ****.


She was dreaming. Damon was softly kissing his way down her body, gentle, loving. It was incredibly realistic, she could feel his lips on her skin, could feel his tongue tasting her, his teeth tugging teasingly at the piercing on her navel. He licked her hip bones, tongue swiping from one to the other, and she moaned softly.

Making his way down, she could feel his breath across her flesh, could feel his fingers spreading her open, before he dove in with a groan.

Thea's eyes popped open with a loud moan, hands falling down and tugging gently at his hair, before threading through it. "God, Ace..." she murmured, eyes rolling back with pleasure. He stopped, raised his head, until she found herself staring at twin ice-blue eyes, glistening with mischief.

"Morning Angel," he whispered.

She smiled softly, "Are you gonna continue, or just leave me hanging?"

He raised a teasing brow, lips still wet from her, before raising himself above her, leaning on his forearms. Dropping his head, he kissed her languidly, tracing the contours of her mouth with his own. She could taste herself on him, and she couldn't help but find the action erotic. Pulling away, he said, "I have a better idea," before he slowly sunk into her.

They both groaned simultaneously, pleasure spreading through their bond, feeding off of each other. Hands gipping onto his hips, she pulled him into her, matching his rhythm thrust for thrust.

His hand slipped between them, circling her clit slowly, and she fell over the cliff. Not suddenly, or aggressively, but as gentle as a breeze. Whimpering his name, he stilled above her, before he groaned "I love you," against her lips.


Thea smiled, saying it back, before she kissed him more thoroughly.

"Feel free to wake me up like that every morning," she whispered against him.

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