Crying Wolf

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"and in the middle of all my chaos, there was you." - Paullina Simons

" - Paullina Simons

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There was another event occurring in Mystic Falls

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There was another event occurring in Mystic Falls. Another useless event that the council had decided to introduce for some reason. Thea was currently watching as her bonded got dressed, huddled beneath their blankets still. Looking around, she sighed softly, before asking, "Can you drop me off back to my place? I need to change and the reserve of sweaters I keep here has officially run dry."

"Why don't you just bring the rest of them?" He questioned nonchalantly, giving her his back. The blood-witch smiled at his attempt at casualness, feeling how nervous he actually was. Tilting her head to side, she smiled softly, "Are you asking me to move in, Damon Salvatore?"

The man shrugged, "You practically live here already, it would just make everything easier."

"Look at me." She requested, waiting until he turned around, beckoning him forward with a finger. Grabbing onto the lapels of his shirt, she began buttoning it up slowly, whispering, "You sure? I don't want to encroach on your space."

"I'm sure. I like having you in my space." He murmured in reply. Thea nodded slowly, before raising her head and saying, "okay."

"Wait, that's it? No song or dance required, you're just going to move in?"

She giggled softly, "You already said it, I practically live here anyway, this would just make it official." Wrapping her arms around his waist, she laid her chin against his chest, staring up at him as she said, "I like waking up to you every morning Ace. We are keeping my place though, I have a feeling it's going to become increasingly handy to have a place where no vampires other than you, your brother and Care have been invited in."

"Deal." He murmured, before lowering his face to hers, pressing their lips together in a loving kiss. Pulling away, he threw one of his long-sleeved Henley's in her direction, chuckling when it landed on her face, "Get dressed Angel. As much as I enjoy the sight of you in nothing, Rick's coming, and I doubt he wants to see all of that."

"Fine." She grumbled, pulling it over her body. Standing up, she headed in his direction, leaning her head onto his shoulder as she added, "Vacation soon, please? I'm exhausted."

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