Chpater 13

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Edward POV:

It has been straight hell for me being away from Imani.I'd rather burn in hell than to live another day without her.

I tried to visit my family and keep my promise,but I couldn't.Everywhere I went it just reminded me of Imani.

I knew was a mistake leaving her with her psychopathic sister.

I was considering going back to forks since I was missing Imani too much.I called the house phone,I asked who this was and it was Bella.

I didn't know why in the entire fuck I'm talking to her,but when I realized Bella was crying I instantly knew that something was wrong with Imani and i needed to ask what the hell was the matter.

The only thing Bella said was, 'Charlie is planning a funeral' and I instantly hung up.The though of my love in a casket hurt me so badly that a sharp pain went through my chest and my body.

I couldn't live in a world without Imani.

Imani POV:

Where're now on the plan and I can't help,but think the worst.I finally answered my own question 'Would I be able to take Edward back?'

I know myself and I know Edward makes me happy and I know I need him as much as he needs me.So yes I'll be able to take him back no matter what(but we'll have to make some ground rules).

After a long flight we made it to Italy we made it.Alice and I made it to our car and drove to the voltori.As she was driving she came to a hard stop while having a vision, "Th-The Voltori they rejected him....he's going to reveal himself to the humans." She said in a scared voice.

As we drove faster then before,I saw everybody was in red robes, "It's saint Marcus day." Alice said.

I got out of the car with a slam of the bright yellow door,but not without needing to know where he's at, " Alice where is he?" I asked hurriedly "He's at the tower where the bell will ring at 12 pm.I can't go with since my thoughts are loud and yours are soft.You Need To Go Now Imani!"Alice said in a rushed voice.So I went.

I ran as fast as possible pushing people(not forgetting to say 'excuse' me).

I thought I wouldn't be able to find him when I came to 2 dead ends,until I looked up and saw something shiny like diamonds.

I found him and I pushed all my sweet soft thoughts while I was running to to him knowing he'll hear me,and when that didn't work I decided to speak.

"Edward,Edward I'm okay just step away from the light.I'm fine I swear I'm alive.Please" I said in a worrisome scared voice.

"Heaven is that you" he said still not believing me,that when I decided to kiss him making sure he knows I'm alive.

It took him a few seconds to realize I really was alive and fine.He kissed me back with such love that the gaping hole  and pain in my heart was gone.

Edward POV:

When the voltori denied my request to kill me i hade to take matters into my own hands,by exposing myself to the world.

As I was about to reveal my self I heard this soft beautiful melody and thoughts that sounded just like my love's Imani , "Edward I love you.please step away from the light" the voice said.

I didn't want to believe it so I just walked towards the light more.After a few minutes i heard a voice that sounded just like Imani's, "Edward,Edward I'm okay just step away from the light.I'm fine I swear I'm alive.Please" they begged.

I wanted to believe that it was heaven,until I felt someone's lips on me and I couldn't comprehend that they felt just like Imani's lips.

I kissed them back with so much love the aching pain in my chest went away.

Imani POV:

"Edward" I said in a tired,soft,low voice,with our foreheads touching while I closed my eyes." Imani" he said in the same voice.

"I'm-"but he was interrupted by a creepy voice. "Well well well you've definitely caused a ruckus Edward." Said a blond haired red girl in a black velvet robe.

"Aro,Marcus,and Caius want to see you.Now!" She demanded

Oh for fucks sake,what in the hell did we get ourselves into now?!??

Authors note:
The voltori scene will be a 2 or 3chapter part.

Thanks you guys for reading and voting.I love y'all💕💕💕💕


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