Breakup and no makeup

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✨Soooo sorry this took so long, I've had it for awhile and I know it's über short but I have the next part all written I just need to type and edit!!! Thanks to all who comment literally makes my day!!! And sorry I can't dedicate to all who do, I know it's not fair but I typically do first commenter gets it but if I start getting a lot then I will do best comment. Love you all and say paisley I'm the comment if you read this!

We stayed out in the hallway talking to the boys for a little bit but then Hannah came and interrupted us.

"Okay girlies. I know you are enjoying yourselves and I'm sure having sex with words," Louis and Harry just laughed at Hannah's bluntness but Olivia and I blushed crimson and I vowed to hide her favorite shoes when we got home. Shit! Got home what time was it? Before I could ask Hannah interrupted my thoughts.

"But we have to get back to our dorm room, is is already three in the afternoon and we have classes tomorrow and that paper due for Drama. So sorry to do this boys but I must be stealing my girls back now. With that she grabbed our wrists and pulled us towards the foyer. I wanted to protest and one look at Liv's face told me she did too but we both knew that we really had to finish that paper and I had work tomorrow to. Olivia however was lucky and just worked some minor hours at the University Library cause she had snagged the job before me. Hannah worked ridiculously long hours two days a week at Starbucks.

"But we were having so much fun!" Louis came in and pouted. Harry came in right after him and gave Liv the puppy dog eyes.

"Do you guys really have to go?"He asked in the saddest tone.

"I'm sorry Harry. We do though. We have a huge paper die tomorrow and Emma works in the afternoon so she has to get some sleep tonight."She gave me a pointed look. Before I could ask her wha t she meant by that the other boys joined us by the door with our bags. I guess Hannah had give them the orders to pack us all up.

"Hey! I've got an idea! We have a an interview with sugarscape on thursday morning hut after that y dont you all join us for a movie or something after your classes?" Zayn proposed a brilliant idea but I knew I wouldnt be up to it.

"Well, I have work until 5 and then I still have homework to do so unfortunately I can't" Olivia said and Harry just pouted some more.

"I wish. But on Thursday I have work from two to eight in the morning and then class and homework so I'm gonna be exhausted, and just go home and curl up and sleep." It wad sad but true. Louis got a mischievous smirk when I said this though.

"Are you sure I can't join you?" He said moving closer to me. I was taken back. I mean I thought Harry was the flirty one but I was certainly seeing a different side of Lou. I scoffed and smacked his chest.

"Yeah right Tomlinson. Unless you suddenly get a deathly illness that wont be happening anytime soon." hannah who had been watching our exchange thoughtfully spoke up though.

"I might be a little tired since I work Wednesday but I'm certainly up for it. Where and when should I meet you guys?" I saw Liam and Niall glance at eachother before saying in unison,

"I'll text you." that was odd. Although I got the feeling that they both liked her. the other guys exchanged strange looks. Olivia piqued up,

"Hey Double Dosing Hannah is OUR job." She said linking arms with me. The boys looked confused.

"Double Dosing?" Zayn asked confused. I guess I had to explain but I had a feeling Livy would be helping me.

"It's what we-"

"Call it when-"

"We talk in unison." We finished together. The boys looked on in awe. They should see us when we get emotional about something.

"Yes well, enough confusing the lads girls. We really do have to go. Say goodbye to the nice lads."

"Goodbye to the nice lads!" we chorused. They chuckled and Hannah sighed.

"let's go."she said pushing us and our overnight bags out the door. "I'll text you boys later yeah?" she said but before they could respond she was pushing us out the door. Unfortunelately there was paparazi all around the complex. Fortunately they didn't recognize us so they just ignored us hoping to spot the boys. Sigh. Time to get writing.

Zayn POV

The girls had left about two hours ago and the tensions were running high in the band. I could tell that Liam really liked Hannah but I knew that Niall had already gone out with her so Liam couldn't do anything, although it seemed that Hannah had really connected with Liam. Right now all five of us were playing FIFA and the two of them were really going at it. They weren't yelling and joking like usual, they're faces were serious and they hadn't talked to each other since an argument about what movie to go see. When Niall scored on Liam and didn't even smirk I decided that's when I had had enough, I walked over to the console and shut it down.

"Zayn mate! What the hell?"

"Mate that's craic! What'd you do that for?!" Niall and Liam Both shouted at me ands hen glared at each other. I could see Harry and Lou giving me thankful looks.

"Boys look. I know that you both like Hannah, even Lou and Harry noticed it. But guys really? Beating each other n FIFA isn't going to help."

"Niall mate, Liam didn't do anything wrong." Harry piped up. Niall scowled and muttered under his breathe,

"Yet." Liam turned to him the frown on his face prominent.

"What was that?" Oh no.

"You heard me! I said yet. You were flirting and joking with her all last night and you know what I'm sick of it! I asked her out! She was MY date last night! Not yours!!!" He sighed deeply fire burning in his eyes.

"Flirting! Me? Well excuse me for talking to a sweet girl who you abandoned at a party where she knew literally no one! She was all alone so I went over and started talking to her and kept her company since you were going and getting drunk off your ass!" Things were getting bad if Liam was swearing...

"Left her alone!? She we t to the bathroom and I wandered off waiting for her and when I cam back you were all over her! Then I had a few drinks waiting for you to move off nut you never did! Liam I really liked her but this is just like you isn't it? Little mister DaddyDirection has to have a girlfriend doesn't he?!"

"What! Niall mate screw you! I actually liked Hannah! I bet you don't really know anything about her! Like how she wants to be a, multilingual fashion designer or how she is almost fluent in three languages or how she has two little brothers and that she and e twins have a bond no one can break? I got to know her Niall! Face it! You don't like her! You like the idea of her!" The were standing chest to chest now and with one swift motion Niall knocked his shoulder into Liam's and slammed out of the house.

Well shit, I think a girl just broke up Niam...

✨Again so sorry for the long wait next part soon! Back to the twins and then Hannah... What does she think of the boys? And will will we see any of Niam? Who knows fan and comment, to be honest right now I don't care about votes, I just want comments!!! Good bye my pixies!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2013 ⏰

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