The Dates

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Olivia POV

“Hello there gorgeous.” Harry said to me as I met him outside. I giggled to myself and had to restrain myself from fainting. THE Harry Styles had just called me gorgeous, ME! 

“Hi there yourself.” I returned trying to sound as calm as he seemed. 

“So, do you remember anything from last night?” He asked nervously, shaking his curls the way I’d seen him do so many times on interviews. 

“Not really but I had a pounding headache this morning to prove what a great night it was.” He laughs.

“Yeah, me too, all I remember was flashing lights an pounding music.” Oh good, for a second I thought he was going to say he remembers something that I didn’t.

“So you want to go get some lunch and talk things over? We must have gotten along just swimmingly last night if you gave me your number and address and vice versa.” I giggled at his use of swimmingly.

“Are you laughing at me Ms. Wilson? That isn’t very nice! I might just have to tickle you for that!” He started to chase me but before we got too far a fan came up to Harry and asked for an autograph. 

“Sure hun. Do you want a picture too?” The fangirl was obviously too excited to speak so she just nodded happily. Harry signed her shirt, took a quick picture with her gave her a hug and sent her on her way. The entire exchange couldn’t have been more than five minutes. Harry came back over.

“I’m sorry love. It comes with the job.” He sighed as if he thought I would hate him and walk away.

“No, it’s no problem at all. In fact I think it’s extremely sweet that you do that for them even when you don’t have to.” 

“Oh. uh, thanks. How about that lunch now then?” He started to lead me away with his hand on the small of my back. EEPP!! I was officially going on a date with Harry Styles. 

__________________________Niall POV___________________________________

I sighed again as once more, she entered my thoughts. Hannah. She was all I had been able to think about since last night. She was amazing. She watched over her drunk friends just like I did, since Liam wasn’t there, but she seemed to have just as much fun as they did. 

“Hey, Nialler what’s wrong? This is like your seventh sigh in the last five minutes.”

“Yeah dude, you seem kind of mopey today are you alright?” Liam and Zayn were so concerned for me. It was good to have brothers sometimes. 

“I’m fine I guess. But I just can’t seem to get her out of my head!”

“Who? That chick from the club last night? The one who’s twin friends are out with our hungover idiots right now?” Zayn asked and Liam elbowed him in the ribs. I chuckled though. 

“Yeah that’s her. Her name is Hannah and we are going out for dinner and a movie tomorrow but I just can’t wait to see her.” 

“Oh.” Zayn said but Liam just nodded understanding how I felt because of his relationship with Danielle. 

“Well, to pass the time let’s play some Mario Kart!” Zayn always did love video games. 

“You’re going down Malik!” I said. It might be good to get her from my mind. Liam just laughed at the two of us.  

“I’d watch you words Horan! You too Malik! You are both going to crumble to the Payne-anator if we play Daisy Hills! That race is mine!” Maybe the time would pass faster than I thought.

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