xi. The Patronus

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This year was supposed to be great but as always, there is something to ruin it: my accident but also something else.
Sirius Black, a famous murderer, escaped from Azkaban. To guarantee the security of the school, Dementors settled all around Hogwarts. During the year, they attacked Harry and I many times. I don't understand why. We had strange visions, even if mines are less intense than Harry's.
Harry's Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, Remus J. Lupin tried to find a solution.

"Are you sure about this?" asked Professor Lupin. "You know, this is very advanced magic, well beyond Ordinary Wizarding Level. The spell I'm going to teach is called the Patronus Charm. Did you ever hear of it?"
"No." We answered in chorus
"Well. Patronus is a kind of positive force. And for the wizard who can conjure one, it works like a shield with a dementor feeding on it rather than him. But in order for it to work, you need to think of a memory." he explained
"Any memory?" I demanded
"A very happy memory, a very powerful memory. Can you do this?"
"Yes, I do!" Harry replied
"Close your eyes, concentrate, explore your past."
I watch Harry searching what asked Professor Lupin when he turns towards me.
"You too Y/n." he winked. "Do you two have a memory?"
We nod.
"Allow it to fill you up, loose yourself within it. Then speak the incantation: Expecto patronum."
"Expecto patronum." we repeated
"Very good! Shall we? Wands are ready?"

Lupin unlocks the box and opens the lid. The Dementor stepped from the box and started to sweep silently toward Harry
"Expecto patronum!" Harry yelled. "Expecto patronum! Expecto —"
His voice fades as he was falling. I catch his head before it hits the floor.
"Here we go. Come on, sit up. Deep breath." He said, picking him up. "I didn't expect you to do it the first time. It would have been remarkable. Here eat this, you'll feel better." he hands him a chocolate bar
"Thanks." Harry mumbled
"While Harry is resting, do you want to try?"
I concentrate and search in my head the most powerful memory I have.
"Expecto patronum!" I yelled
But nothing happened. At least I didn't faint.
"Expecto patronum!" I tried again
A blue light escapes from his wand and turns into an otter.
"Well done Y/n!" Harry congrats me
"Impressive! Few people conjured this spell also brilliantly!" confessed Professor Lupin


Later, I was in the common room when Dumbledore told me Ron was at the Hospital with Harry and Hermione.
What happened?
I quickly go to the hospital wing. I saw Harry and Hermione standing in front of Ron, who was lying in a bed with his ankle bandaged.
They told me everything: the visit to Hagrid to convince him to save Buckbead, the Hippogriff and Ron's rat given back; the attack by a big black dog who bite Ron and bring him under the Whomping Willow which leads to the Shrieking Shack; then Peter Pettigrew's betrayal. Sirius wasn't the one who betrayed the Potters, Peter was. Lupin's transformation and Snape's arrival.
"How do you feel?"
"My leg hurts but Madam Pomfrey said that it will recover quickly."
"Great. And you Harry?"
"It was a complicated evening but now I'm proud that our parents choose Sirius as my godfather. You know, he even offered us to come and live with him! He really wants to meet you! "
"I would love to meet him too!"

During the last months, I practiced a lot DADA with Lupin. Because of quidditch, I got behind and had to catch up. Remus is an excellent professor. We talked a lot and I learned that with my dad, James, Sirius and Peter, they became the Marauders. He told me a lot about them, their adventures and their famous map. I asked him many questions about my parents, how they were, their friendship... He answered each of my questions with a big smile. It allowed him to delve into his memories. He told me that I looked a lot like my mother, Lily, but that I had my father's eyes, and also some character traits.

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