xvii. Fourth Year

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This next year started with the announcement of a very special event: The Triwizard Tournament.
"Unlike previous tournaments, this tournament had restrictions. One of these restrictions was that all applicants had to be over the wizarding age of majority, which is 17." announced Barty Crouch, head of the Department of International Magic Cooperation.
Many of students get annoyed or frustrated.
"That's rubbish!" screamed the twins
"It's unfair!" yelled someone
"Why?" bawled another

Few days after, we were all gather in the Great Hall for the champions selection.
"The Durmstrang champion is Victor Krum."
Boys from Durmstrang Institute acclaim Krum. It was like he won the Quidditch World Cup.
"The champion of Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour."
All the girls felicitate her, but some were still jealous. I could see Ron hoping her to see his smile to congrats her.
"The Hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory."
We all applaud him. I don't know him but I heard that he could make Hogwarts winning this tournament.
"Excellent! We now have our three champions! But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions. This vessel of victory: The Triwizard Cup!"
Everyone was cheering as the flames of the Goblet of Fire turned red once again. One last paper came out.
"Harry Potter." Dumbledore stammered. "Harry Potter?!" He said loudly. "Harry Potter!" He finally yelled.
Oh no...
"Come on Harry!" Hermione encouraged him.
He walks slowly under the gaze of all the students. Dumbledore hands him the piece of paper where his name is written, then walks to the end of the room. The whispers grew louder and louder.
"He's a cheat!" someone said
"He don't even have seventeen years!"
What happened? I know he didn't put his name in the Goblet of Fire or asked someone to do that but how can you explain this.

"How can it be possible?" I whispered to Hermione
"I don't know... but they must be a logical explanation."
"He simply did it." Ron said
"What do you mean?"
"He put his name in the Goblet. Without telling no one. So he can have an eternal glory." he answered, obviously jealous
"No! Harry wouldn't have done that! You know him, he's your best friend." I defended my brother
"I thought I was."
"Ron! Stop it! You didn't see how much he was shocked?!" Hermione reasoned him

•Later in the common room•
I tried to talk to Ron. He needs to understand that Harry didn't want to participate. Not like the twins for example. They though an Ageing Potion would work to cross the age line around the Goblet of Fire.

"Hey Y/n!" said Ginny. "What happened with Harry and the Goblet of fire?"
"Oh... I don't really know. Someone obviously put his name into it. But the reason is unclear."
"And Ron?"
"He doesn't understand why his best friend didn't tell him that he put his name."
"But he didn't-"
"That's what I tried to tell him."
"I'll talk to him! I just hope he will be okay..."
"Don't worry Ginny. Harry always knows how to get out of any trouble!"
"Yeah, I know! But still..."
"It's cute how you care for him." I chuckled
She blushed
"Shut up Y/n!" she said as she heads to her dorm
"You know you love me Gin!" I yelled
She gives me a forced smile and slams the door in response.
She just won't admit I'm right.

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