xxii. Until the Very End

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*Different POV*

"Avada Kedavra!" yelled Bellatrix.
"NO!" screamed Draco.
Snape looks at her, slowly realizing what just happened.
"I killed Y/n Potter!" she sneers.
"How dare you?!"
Severus pointed her with his wand, he tried to stupefied her but he wasn't fast enough. She had disappeared in the night, her laugh still loud. He looked for her everywhere but she has run away.
He finally goes back in the astronomy tower where Draco is still holding me. A tear threatens to fall but he holds it back.
"Why?" Draco tried to articulate between two sobs. "WHY?"
"I'm sorry Draco..."
"I should have saved her! I should have warned her! I should have helped her! I should have be at her place!" he said, hitting the ground with his hand.
"Draco, we must leave."
"Professor please..."
"I know..."
Severus understand that's Draco needs to stay. He turned around and leave the place.

"Professor Snape! Where is she?!" Harry rushes up the tower but Snape holds him back.
"Harry, stop!"
"Please Professor! Where is my sister? Is she here?"
"Harry please don't-"
He escaped Snape and climbed the stairs.
"Harry?! I'm sorry, I couldn't do anything!" Draco apologies.
"Y/n..." He reached his hand to my cheek.
They are both crying and holding me.
"Who?" he says with anger.

*My POV*
I close my eyes and everything disappears: Draco holding me in his arms, crying; Severus, my godfather, devastated ; and Bellatrix running away proudly...
When I open my eyes again, I'm totally away. I don't know where.
In front of me, there are two person, a red haired woman, holding her tears back and a black haired man taking her hand to calm her. He looks like him, he looks like Harry. Same hair, same glasses, same face except for the eyes. Harry has her eyes. And the woman, I look like her. I have the same lips, cheeks, nose, but I have the same eyes as the man.

"No! It can't be true! She can't be... It's not possible James..." she whispered, a hand on his shoulder.
"Mom? Dad?"
They rushed and hugged me very tightly.
"Is it real? Am I really... dead?"
"We are sorry Y/n... We-"
"But, I can't be! And Draco? And Severus? And Harry? What's happening now? Please... Tell me that it's a bad dream and I'll wake up soon!"
Lily took my face in her hands.
"I'm sorry honey... I know it's hard for you-"
"I had everything! I had an amazing brother, the greatest friends I could ever have, I've just met my godfather, I told the boy I was in love with that I loved him... I had it all and the next second I lost everything!"
I bursted in tears.
"Why it has to happen now! I need to go back! I can't loose everything!"
She embraced me.
"I know... I know..."
"Why?" I sobbed.
"Life is unfair my love. You have to accept it..." my father tries to confort me.
I was inconsolable for hours and I know it hurt them. No one likes to see their child cry. Yet they stayed, they both were always next to me. Sometimes the words aren't useful. Just a presence is.

*Harry's POV*
Draco hold her one last time. He kissed her on her cheek and left her with me.
I can't believe she's ... I can't even say it. I kneel down, look at her face. The expression of surprises still marks her face but she seems quite calm.
I will have to get used to the stark reality that she will no longer be here. But it's be so hard.

After her death, the battle of Hogwarts started. I wanted my revenge. I wanted to avenge our parents, my sister and all the people who died for us. I didn't had the pleasure to kill Bellatrix, Molly did. She defeated him, she beat her for Y/n, her almost daughter.
When Voldemort asked me to join him the forest, I did, risking my life. As I walked, I knew that the long game was ended. Then, I stared down at the Snitch. I wanted time to move as slowly as possible, it seemed to have sped up, it was coming so fast. This was the moment. I pressed the golden metal to my lips and whispered, "I am about to die."
The metal shell broke open. I closed my eyes and turned the stone over in my hand three times. I knew it had happened. I opened my eyes and looked around. I saw mom and dad, Sirius, Remus, and my sister.
"You've been so brave." Lily smiled.
"You are nearly there," said James. "Very close. We are so proud of you."
"Does it hurt?" I asked, childishly.
"Dying? Not at all," said Sirius. "Quicker and easier than falling asleep."
"And he will want it to be quick. He wants it over." said Lupin.
"I didn't want you to die, any of you." I said. "I'm sorry-"
"We love you Harry." Y/n whispered.
"You'll stay with me?"
"Until the very end." said James.
"They won't be able to see you?" I asked.
"We are part of you," said Sirius. "Invisible to anyone else."
I looked at our mother.
"Stay close to me." I said quiet.

But Voldemort defeated me. When I was lead back to Hogwarts everyone thought I was dead. Hagrid, who brought me to the Dursley when I was just a child, carried me. Neville paid me tribute. Then, I knew how to get up. I escaped from Hagrid's arms, grabbed my wand and defied Voldemort "For all the people you took from me". Then I finally defeated him.


Years later, Harry married Ginny and had three children: James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter and Lily Luna Potter.
Obviously, Hermione and Ron got married too and had two children.
Draco often visited Harry. Harry understood that he could never have done this and how much he cared about me. They were able to overcome their hatred of each other "because that's what Y/n would have wanted."

Draco succeeded in everything he took part of. He ended up at the ministry of magic, I was the one who wanted to work there so he did it for me. After difficult times, he met the right person. Even if his heart will always belongs to Y/n, he learned how to love her. He finally got married and had a child: Scorpius Y/n Malfoy. He is happy and this is the most important thing.
And as he promised, he lived for her...

Y/n wanted to live
Draco wanted to die
Y/n really loved Draco
and Draco really loved Y/n
They were the perfect couple
until that night... when
Y/n died for Draco
and Draco lived for Y/n




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