15: Unexpected And Expected

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Midoriya sighed as the bell rang, signaling the end of the homeroom. Truthfully, he hadn't paid much attention in class today, because of what was happening with his quirk. One for all wasn't the same as before. His quirk would randomly shut itself during training and in heroics class. Also, he wasn't able to use more than 5%, and not even that sometimes. His attention was driven away from his thoughts, as their homeroom teacher tapped on his desk, signalling that he was going to make an announcement.

Dynashield: Looks like you'll be getting a class with your substitute teacher, considering the fact that cementoss called in sick today.

Class 1-A was confused after this revelation. In their whole time at U.A, they’d never had a class with a substitute teacher. All of them had one question in their minds, and luckily Kirishima voiced it.

Kirishima: Sensei! Who will be our substitute teacher?

To the class, it looked like Dynashield was deep in thought after that question, evident by the expression on his face.

Dynashield: Come to think of it, no teacher is free right now. I’ll go and talk to Nezu about this. Class leaders do your duty.

Iida and Yayourozu: Yes Sensei!

As both students took their place in front of the class, Dynashield started walking towards the door, only to be stopped as someone from the other side opened it.

The whole class shifted their attention to the door, only to go wide-eyed. Standing there, was their old homeroom teacher,

Shota Aizawa or Eraserhead.

Aizawa could only curse nezu under his breath.


Aizawa was sitting in the principal's office, as he and nezu waited for the blood samples to be identified. Tsukauchi was also with them, but something important came up so he had to go.

Currently, Nezu was on the phone with Recovery Girl, as she briefed him with the progress that she had made in identifying the samples. Aizawa turned his head towards Nezu, as the white chimera sighed.

Nezu: Recover Girl said that it would take at least 2 more hours to separate each individual's blood from that mixture since they got mixed.

Aizawa sighed as he grumbled incohesive words under his breath. He wanted the results to come as soon as possible, but it looked like fate had other plans.

Nezu: Oh! Cementoss called in sick today, and there’s no other teacher to take his class.

Nezu looked at Aizawa with a smile, much to the horror of the Erasure hero.

Nezu: Aizawa, since you’re a substitute teacher, would you do the honors of taking over that class?

Aizawa just face-tabled, to which nezu cackled like a mad man. This was his revenge for that shit-eating grin earlier in the day.

Flashback End.

Dynashield was also taken back by Aizawa’s appearance. For a minute or two, only silence was heard emanating from Class 1-A.

Getting over his shock, Dynashield cleared his throat and began to speak.

Dynashield: Ah! Eraserhead. What brings you here?

The whole class also turned towards their former homeroom teacher, surprised to see him, they too, wondered why he was here.

Aizawa: I’m the substitute teacher of U.A, so I’m here to do my job.

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