Chapter 14: The second trial of the sports festival

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Midnight: Ok,that's enough,everyone calm down. It's time for the second game.
*Spins the screen*
Midnight: Ok,CAVALRY BATTLE! You'll be in teams of four and awarded points based on your ranks!
*The points show up and Izuku/Katsumi has 10,000,ooo points*
Izuku/Katsumi: O.O" Oh no- Everyone's gonna be out to get me
Midnight: Now,pick your teams!
Izuku/Katsumi: Everyone's ignoring me because I'm worth so much!
Kirishima: *goes up to him/her* Hey,I think our quirks will mix pretty well,my hardening can take your explosions and you will be really light
Izuku/Katsumi: Will the universe just stop reminding me I'm a girl- Thanks,I think-
Kirishima: no problem,now who?
Izuku/Katsumi: With my explosive power and your ability to take me explosion,we've got a strong horse and rider...Iida has a speed quirk but we'd need someone who can keep up
Kirishima: yeah,you go ask Iida and let me think
Izuku/Katsumi: *walks up to Tenya* Hey,Iida,want to team up
Tenya: I'm sorry,Bakugo but I must decline
Izuku/Katsumi: huh?!
Tenya: I'm sorry,I value your friendship but since you defeated me in the training with All Might,I must work against you to prove myself *smiles and walks off*
Izuku/Katsumi: Iida..
Shoto: Hey.
Izuku/Katsumi: Ah?! OhI'msorryIdidn'tseeyouthere!!!!
Shoto: it's fine. I was just going to ask if you wanted me to join you
Shoto: of course,Kirishima is good front defence but you need good general defence and my ice can help with that,plus it can speed us up instead of needing speed quirks so focus on offence.
Izuku/Katsumi: You got it,Todoroki! Hmmm,who could be useful...I GOT IT! *goes over to Tokoyami*
*They meet up together*
Izuku/Katsumi: Ok,Kirishima will act as the main horse with Tokoyami to the left and Todoroki to the right,ice will immobilise opponents and speed us up. Dark shadow will act as good offensive power to scare people away and grab points if our 10,000 band is stolen,it will also act as a solid defence.
All 3: you got it!
*They get in position*
Midnight: 3...2...1!
Shoto: *puts up a circular,large,wall of ice around them*
Tokoyami: *sends Dark Shadow in the sky above it for defence*
Izuku/Katsumi: Well,according to Tokoyami,his quirk is weak to light and the two who can generate light are here so we should be good
Dark Shadow: *grabs the point bands of anyone who dares come close so everyone stays away*
Monoma: We need to lure that 10,000 point girl out..
Kosei: I can create a stairway but what about that monster?
Monoma: catch it then use a stairway
Kosei: *catches Dark Shadow and makes a staircase*
Monoma's team: *go up the staircase as Dark shadow shatters the trap*
Monoma: *flips past Dark Shadow and tries to reach Izuku/Katsumi*
Shoto: *has his fire on his arm to burn him but stops almost instantly*
Izuku/Katsumi: *puts both hands together and uses a huge explosion to send him sprawling across the battle field*
Monoma: *manages to touch Kirishima and uses hardening to not get blown to bits or get splattered on the ground*
Dark Shadow: *grabs the bands off Monoma and his team and hits his team in a wave motion,splitting them up and sending them sprawling*
*The rest of the match plays out with everyone just avoiding them*
*Izuku/Katsumi's team comes first with the others coming in their usual spots*

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