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Dear Mummy,
I love you. If you're reading this, I am dead. I've committed suicide. I'm sorry. I am so sorry. But I couldn't handle it anymore. The anxiety, the heliophobia, the agoraphobia, the self-harm, the transphobia and the homophobia have gotten too much for me.

Please know that barely any of this is your fault. But please, never stop Ellie (my sister) from expressing herself in any way. Let her be who she wants to be, because I now know what it's like to be restricted from that. Let her enjoy herself, cut her hair, get piercings, get tattoos, draw, paint, and encourage her and help her through anything she is struggling with. If she is having a panic attack, don't tell her to 'stop crying' like you did to me. If she tells you to stop touching her, stop it, bc it's dreadful being touched when you don't want to be.

Keep going on life, and don't let my suicide stop you from doing your best.

I love you with all my heart.
Boo (what my family call me)

My suicide letters (if I were to commit suicide)Where stories live. Discover now