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I'm so exhausted even my feet are hurting from all the running around I was doing all day, I couldn't even spare myself some little time to call my mother because I was too buried in cleaning this house. I've never come across an extremely dirty house before, this one takes the cup, shame. I didn't enter into the bedrooms though, they have four bedrooms. My luggage is placed safely behind the couch. There's no TV here nor sound system, boring. I wonder how do they keep themselves busy on a daily basis, well, with Nonjabulo it's quite obvious, she plays cards and there's no food here, but the kids are out playing I gave them scones to eat because they were complaining about hunger. And now, I've prepared them water to bathe using the boiler, I wish there was a woofer but there's none. The bathroom, Jesus! It was so dirty, the bathtub had water soap dirt of many days ago. I don't think I'll last a week here, I loathe lazy people with my all. The time on my phone reads 14:30, and now I'm hungry, but I don't want scones, I've seen a fast food outlet close by I'll go there.

The walk to the outlet is 10 minutes long, I took my purse with me because I don't want Nonjabulo to go to the house and steal for me. I pass them as they are still playing cards, there are empty bottles of Black Label lying around the yard. Those who are still in their robes are making me cringe. Aphi amadoda wabo? Lord, help me.

“Nomzamo!” I can hear Nonjabulo calling my name, but I ignore her, plugging in my earphones I increase the volume of my music.

I'm sure she wants to ask me for some money, I'll be damned if I give her some. She showed me that she can't be trusted. She chose for her kids to stay hungry all day because she wants to feed her gambling addiction, and unfortunately for her, I'll not fund her lifestyle I'm not the one who introduced her to it after all.

There are 5 people before me who are yet to buy because the ones sitting on benches are waiting for their orders. I take this opportunity to call my mother, she answers after a while.

“Zamo. How are you and how is the environment there?”

“I'm exhausted, Mama and the environment is not good, everything is just off. I don't think I will last a week here.”

“That terrible, huh?”

“Yeah.” I fill her in...

“What? You better start looking for a place to rent then, those people will abuse you, and you will be expected to feed them and feed Nonjabulo's kids? Awww ngeke, you don't owe them anything. But before you leave make sure that you buy groceries for them and buy clothes for the kids, I'll send you money, okay?”

“Yes, Mama.”

“Good. The next thing, Nonjabulo will start wearing your clothes or sell them to satisfy her gambling, uh, uh, it won't work. Anyway, where's Norah?”

“I have no idea, Mama. She wasn't there when I got there, and the kids said she's been gone since last night.”

“Wuuhhh, mntanami. Hhayi ke, I will tell your father. Let me get done cooking, I have visitors.”

“Visitors?” I'm one person closer for my turn to come, I look behind me and there's no one.

“Yes, your father's visitors I don't even know who they are, I will fill you in though, okay?”

I giggle. “Okay, Ma. I love you.”

“I love you too, my baby,” she disconnects the call.

My turn comes to buy, and I buy R45 Kota, R30 chips, and R120 Springbok for the kids, Nonjabulo will see what she eats she's a grown woman after all. There's a shop right next door, I'll buy bread and a cold drink for them. I sit on one of the benches once given my order slip. Someone removes one of my earphones, taking a seat opposite me is some a little too cute guy. He's not bad looking, he looks just fine with his brush cut, and you can tell that he's friends with the gym just by looking at him. He has long-sleeved tattoos in both of his hands, he's wearing a man beater.

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