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Mpilo ordered us to change the bedding in one of the bedrooms to accommodate his important guest that will be arriving tomorrow. In fact, he made us change the whole bedroom and added things that weren't there in the first place. The bedroom looks much better than the four of ours, he's going all out for this woman that he wants to win. I wonder what's so special about her except having her own money. Gosh, Mpilo will make me age quickly.

“How's your face?” Lenah asks Nonkolosi as she steps into the kitchen.

She woke up her face swollen and covered in scratches. She says she doesn't know what happened to her when we ask her, she looks very messed up. Not even make-up can hide her scratches. Mpilo dismissed us when we told him, claiming that he has things far important things to do than to deal with our futile drama. This man is stressing us, yasis!

“How can you ask the obvious, Lenah? She's getting worse can't you see?” I question.

“Sorry, it's just that I don't know what to say. She's worrying me, and Mpilo not entertaining any of this frustrates me. It's like he doesn't care about our health anymore. Firstly it was Mazana who almost bled to death before he reacted, and now he's doing the same thing to Nonkolosi, turning a blind eye as usual. How dare he? And on top of that, he's bringing another woman to stay with us. I'm not pleased with any of this. How many more women are we going to accept all in the name of his a polygamist?”

First time hearing Lenah being vocal like this. She sounds very hurt, I pity her and unfortunately for her, there's nothing she can do about this than to accept everything thrown in our faces by our dear husband with fake smiles plastered.

“All women he finds interest in of course, and as for Nonkolosi, I'll call Dr. Mondlane for her.”

“Nonkolosi will be fine, she just needs to damp her face with warm water and take some aspirin or any painkillers,” Mazana speaks up.

“You reckon?” I ask, tilting my head.

“Very much so.” She glances at Mazana who is looking at her. Staring contest.

“I still wonder what happened to her. How did she wake up with a swollen face as if she was fighting last night? It doesn't make any sense.”

“Yeah, it doesn't. Too bad Mpilo doesn't care about any of us here. When last did he spend some quality with us? Had dinner with his wives? And let me not get started about the inadequacy of sex. Mxm, this is nonsense!” Mazana says, standing from her chair.

“Well, we can complain but there's nothing we can do. I'd hate to anger, Mpilo.”

Lenah laughs. “Bullshit! Mpilo doesn't take us seriously. I mean, the dude couldn't even call us all in one room and told us about this new woman he wants to bring to us. Yes, we're married to him, but we can't just agree to everything he says. Our voices are not heard no matter how much we raise them, he still doesn't want to hear our voices. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of this marriage, I no longer enjoy it. Things are no longer the same, they've changed drastically and I can't keep up anymore, it's too much.”

I roll my eyes. “So what? Just be grateful that you're still married to him and he's still providing for you.”

“Grateful? There's nothing to be grateful for here when we get hurt over & over again and tossed around. All of this is bullshit. I don't know about you, but I'm not going to accept the woman that'll be joining us.”

Lord, Lenah is annoying now with her runny mouth. I don't understand why she's fighting because she knows very well that Mpilo can have as many wives as he wants long as he showers them with money and expensive gifts. Our duty is to support him in every fucking thing.

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