Chapter 29: Loss for words.

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I kept hold of faith. It was the last thing I had at this point. I kept it invisibly in my hand, like a fist full of sand. But how long can that last? How long will it last until the grains of sand I call 'faith' will last? I had to keep going and learn to not give up. It seems like I've lost it over the years, I have concealed myself away from others. I've let my determination leave like a lost memory, including my bravery. There was a small possibility that it could still be there.

I hope she will succeed and keep her promise. The hope I was holding onto was blind fate.

I sat on the bed and stared blankly at the clock on the wall. It was already evening time, a quarter past six. I haven't eaten in a while, and my back ached. I could feel every cut sting with the cold air in the room. I placed my head against my knees. I bit my lip feeling helpless, unable to do anything. Has he won? Was I too overconfident that I would escape him? All I could think of was when Deathstroke was attempting to kill Blackmask with a full clip and I knew he was furious. He wanted to make him suffer. He must have seen everything. If Breanne wasn't there, this would all be over. I felt like this was my fault. I had to get out of the guilt trip, but it's the only thought I have left. I missed my brother, friends that took a bullet to save my life and I just stubbornly stood there. I hoped Oswald was alright, I hoped he would live to see another day.

I hope if this isn't the end of where I would stay for the rest of my life and half to accept loving him. He was cruel and malicious. It was impossible for me to love a man that knocks at your door and asks for your hand in marriage. It was like trouble just arrived at my doorstep.

He was going to pay for doing this, for hurting Oswald, for turning Breanne against me, for sending over thirty contract killers, mercenaries, and criminals after me. He went too far by smashing my hand in front of a camera that was broadcast all over Gotham.

He went too far when I said my answer. I guess he didn't take my answer seriously like I intended. I hope Slade and Bruce find me soon enough before I lose my sanity. I had a bit of hope left. If Slade was there that night trying to execute Blackmask from existence, then I doubt he will fail if he is planning to find me.

I knew his morals. He wore them like a Kevlar vest. To protect the ones he cares about, to keep his honour, to pay his debts, to maintain his reputation, and finally to not kill ones that have crossed him. Blackmask crossed him, he did it purposely. Even though Deathstroke was involved with being hired by him to bring me to him. He knew this was wrong and he wasn't going to walk away without a fight. His ambition kept him going. He was his own judge, jury, and executioner.

I now understood why Blackmask wore a Black, skull-helmet. It was something that he could use to conceal his identity, it was like the helmet symbolised his darkest feelings. I wondered how long he plotted his devious plan.

I darted my head up from my knee's hearing two loud knocks.

I heard someone enter the room. "Tideus, Mr. Sionis is expecting you to join him for tonight's dinner. And I successfully sent Mr. Wayne the letter. He asked about where you were and so on, in this note. You can reply in the next letter after dinner. Come on, let's get you fixed up." Isabelle says, my jaw dropped for a moment.

"Isabelle, I deserve to know what he said in that letter-"

"After when you get cleaned up. Your shirt is soaked, you must be coming down with a fever. Hold on, let me see your back for a moment, Tideus." She says in concern. I feel thick sweat drops glide down my neck and down to my collar.

I felt the soft fabric of my sweat-shirt get pulled up slightly. I hissed when I felt the air touch my back.

"Seems like you have an infection. This has to be treated immediately. When I was out, didn't any of the maids clean the wounds on your back?" I shook my head. I had no knowledge that this was scheduled.

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