Chapter 3🥲

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They get back home

Vallyk:where do I sleep
Kobe:one of the extra rooms upstairs
Vallyk:Ight thanks

Vallyk goes upstairs to find a room and goes to sleep
Mike goes downstairs into the kitchen with kobe but doesn't speak so Kobe walks up to mike

Kobe:you good
Mike:couldn't be better
Kobe:mike I've know u since we were in 5th grade ik how u are
Mike:why do u think I'm mad

Vallyk comes downstairs and hides behind a wall to listen to the conversation. Derek sees Vallyk hiding so he hides with he and listen

Kobe:i feel like your mad a Derek for some reason I don't know why yet but imma find out soon
Mike:maybe because he....nvm just forget it
Kobe:no tell me
Mike:he knew I liked Vallyk

(This is Derek and vallyk whispering to each other)

Vallyk:he liked me
Derek:we both did
Vallyk:y'all do

Kobe:what else
Mike:and they kissed and I'm getting tagged in videos and all the captions are saying the couple we never knew we needed ik I don't deserve vallyk but damn can I get some hope ik derek looks better then me and IS better then me but i want love to

Kobe:Um you and derek can't compete with each other y'all both are good looking don't bring yourself down over that Vallyk and Derek only kissed cause supporters were begging them to do it

Mike:Kobe there's no need to lie to me it's always omg Kobe is so sexy omg Derek is adorable then it's look at mike and damaged curls

Vallyk:he's not as confident in himself as he seems on social media
Derek:I guess not now I feel bad
Vallyk:don't feel bad u didn't know
Derek:it kinda is and I gotta fix it
Vallyk:I have a feeling y'all used to date
Derek:when we were in 7th grade we did but by 8th grade we stopped because we knew we were just good friends and that we didn't want anything to come between us and ruin our friendship that's why I gotta fix this
Vallyk:go ahead and try I'm going back upstairs

Vallyk goes upstairs and Derek goes into the kitchen

Derek:look Mike I'm so sorry u feel this way
Kobe:bitch his th-
Derek:not right now Kobe
Mike:it's fine Derek we've been through this before

Derek:no listen I didn't know u felt like this and I'm sorry that u do...mike u are literally the nicest person in the world and I had to do something stupid to mess it all up I hate that I mad u sad

Mike:I'm not sad derek I told u since 8th grade that u will forever be the better one it took time for me to realize it there's no need for u to say sorry

Derek:mike no one is better then anyone in this management we are all perfect in our own way u don't have to make yourself look bad when ur legit perfect

Mike:perfect hahahaha tell another joke and it's not that I look bad it's just in certain situations I'm the "ugly" one

Kobe:mike u are a good person don't doubt yourself bruh
Mike:ik I'm a good person just not good looking
Kobe:mike u are good looking
Mike:I have my looks just not like you three

Vallyk comes downstairs

Vallyk:mike you are no where near ugly I wish u could see that
Mike:we all can't get what we wish for
Vallyk:who did this to u
Mike:my father he said I wouldn't be anything with Derek and Kobe and I learned that it's true
Kobe:thats not true at all
Mike:if that's what u believe
Derek:it's not what we believe it's what we know
Vallyk:when did this self doubt start
Mike:after the breakup
Vallyk:which break up
Mike:me and dereks
Vallyk:oh this isn't our business we should go kobe

Kobe and vallyk go upstairs

Ok so this is way longer but I hope ur enjoying it 😌

_____________________________Ok so this is way longer but I hope ur enjoying it 😌

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Talk to y'all in the next chapter 💕😌


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