Chapter 9😖

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The Next Day

Derek and Kobe come in from looking for mike they didn't find tho but mike is under a bridge crying

Derek and Kobe come in from looking for mike they didn't find tho but mike is under a bridge crying

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(Like that but there's sand and water)

Vallyk:I'm guessing y'all didn't find him
Kobe:but we gonna look again later on cause I need a nap

While they're talking mike walks in

Vallyk:oh goodie looks who's here
Mike:I just came to get the rest of my stuff

Derek and Kobe run over to him and hug him

Derek:omg where were were worried sick
Kobe:worried??? I was scared to death we were looking for you all night and morning

Mike pushes them off him

Mike:I wasn't trying to be found
Vallyk:then why'd you come back
Derek:Vallyk bro please shut the fuck up im tired of you my guy
Kobe:mike we were worried you can't just wonder off like that
Mike:I bet you were worried you wouldn't want your little boy all alone out there but guess tf what your little boy is fine and tell tyee(🤮) I quit hoodie boys

Derek:I never called you a little boy vallyk was lying I never said that shit
Mike:if only I believed you
Kobe:And why don't you
Mike:because I don't
Kobe:is there a reason
Mike:because it wouldn't be the first time he called me a little boy
Derek:I never called you a little boy I told you he was lying

Mike:what about when you and Kobe broke up and you said and I fucking quote "I keep dating theses little ass boys first mike now Kobe" you think I didn't hear you talking to ahiella

Derek:That was years ago
Mike:guess I'm a big boy now and wonderful

Derek goes upstairs and mike leaves and Kobe goes to his room and goes to sleep

The next day


Derek goes in Kobe's room

Kobe:if y'all don't get the fuck out I'm sleeping
Derek:I would be sleep too but this nigga yelling

Vallyk:well I'm not bailing mike outta jail so one of y'all gotta go get him

Kobe and Derek:JAIL
Vallyk:no preschool
Vallyk:So who bailing him out
Kobe:what he even do
Vallyk:he stabbed someone at subway
Derek:he finna be in there for a minute
Vallyk:he knows the judge so they letting him go early
Derek:well go get him Im going back to sleep
Vallyk:I can't get him

Kobe and Derek roll over and go to sleep

Vallyk:guess he's staying there

Vallyk leaves

2 Day later

Derek and mike are on the way back home

Derek:What the fuck mike
Mike:idk what you want me to say
Derek:I want you to tell me why you stabbed her like wtf

(Me:not Derek talking like he didn't kill 2 people like two months ago)

Mike:ok dad she cut in front of me so I cut her

(Me:get in the way of my food my knife will get in the way of your life and I live by that)

Derek: that's not a reason to stab someone mike wtf

Mike:well I'm tired if cutting my self so I have other people a try she walked in there all rude and cut me so I did what I had to do

Derek:don't take that out on random people
Mike:easy for you to say

Derek:you think I don't go through shit myself have you seen my arm

He rolls up his sleeve why he's driving and his arm is full of cuts

Derek:I do this shit to myself not to other people the fuck you think imma stab someone for cutting in front of me No tf I stay chill I don't kill a person cause I'm going through personal shit I'm going through some shit rn but I'm not letting it out on other people the last time I hurt someone was because I was protecting you not for no stupid ass reason like you did you know what let's just not talk

The rest of the ride was quiet and now they are back at the house

Mike gets a call

(Mike)                     (Man)

Is she dead
Why not
Because I didn't want to kill her
That wasn't the deal
Man I'm not killing her be happy she's stabbed
If she's not dead your little crush will be you understand
Stay away from him
You got three days

The man hangs up


Nothing much to say so just vote and comment

Mike and Derek🦋??????

Secret couple🥂???????

Hate any of the characters yet😤??

Ok by love you guys💕


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